5 you are funny

42 1 3

A/n: surprise bitch Reece pov. Hope you like it
As we reach the party she atomically dips i dont see her .
Its not like im worried about her or anything im just ....
Damn i dont even know the words ... like today she looked like a queen she got a make over and she looked like a totally different person. And here i was thinking that, that only happened in the movies .
But as im looking for her two blondes approach me
" hey , big boy"she slurred
"He--y"the other hiccups
I laughed .. that was a disappointing way to flirt with a guy like me. But that's not what cought my attention it's the fact that Tyler my ex bestfriend is kissing my girl. I... ahh... mean Chloe. And she looked at me, and smirked.she really knows how to play a game, A love game.
" ok you can stop kissing me now you smell like a dumpster" i whispered at tyler
"Why babe ? Why dont you come over here and make me smell like bananas " he slurred in a drunk voice.
Why is Reece over there laughing with the two blondes and not over here helping me he's such a prick!
" no thanks " i yeld over the blasting music trying to find a different guy to hang out with but the prick had to grab my hand.
" no! I know a guy who can get us a room" his hand brushes off my thigh and pionts at him self
" get off me you.. pervert "
But the next thing i say stops because i see reece yanking him by the collar and say words i never thaught i would hear
" GET YOUR fucking hands off my girl " and he punches him..
I cant even say anything right now. Its just how it just rolles off his tounge 'my girl' it just makes me smile
Dose this means he likes me?
Is he defending me?
'Am i his girl'?
So many questions pop into my head its not even funny
"She's not your girl dick head" and he pushes reece
"You've FUCK up now!" His jaw clinched And he throws the hardest punch I've ever seen and right then and there i feel trouble this isnt me. this isnt my scene . and this isnt who i want to be .
He is eventually done throwing his punches and grabs my arm leading me out the door
" what the FUCK were you thinking kissing all over him you of all people should know he wants nothing more than sex.
" i could say the same to you. Kate and Katie really?"
"Ohhh so this was about jealousy i get it baby doll just dont make out with him to get me jealous. I was already jealous." And he winked
I dont even know what to say he just admitted he basically likes me . So i blush
"So you like me ?.."
" what! No i just... just...."
"JUST WHAT!" I scream
"Um... do you want to go to Texas with me for the weekand "? He gently whispered

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