7day 1

34 1 2

Is he serious he wants me to spend 20 days with him hes fucking crazy is he on crack?
" NO two" i blurted out
"6" i screamed
" deal" he sounds extremely exhausted
" so why Texas "?i asked
"I have to go visit ,there to meet my brother Wilson, remember him... he was here for like two years and he moved from California to Texas because our mom married a guy there.---" i interrupted as he finshed talking.
" Robert Taken "i whispered
" yeah so are you going to come with me ?" He asked in pleading eyes
" yes" i finally spoke
Even though i wasnt planing in going.... i kinda wanted to be with him though. He got really nervouse as we buy our tickets i start looseing my mind
"i have no clothes!!! i have shoes!!"
"Shushhhhh " he puts a finger on my mouth
" ill take care of everything "I nod
as we sit down in are seats we get bored instantly
" i spy somthing blue"
" your turn" it went on for about an hour
" please put on your seatbelts we are preparing to land .. "
"Were are we going? "
i asked
" to find wilson" he blurted out
"And he just had to be at a party "! God damn it !!!
" you stay here " he said pointing to the floor thats right next to a corner
" fine " i shouted over the music
He starts walking away like what the hell i know nobody at this party!! and at of nowhere this girl starts petting my hair i barely hear her over the pounding music though.
"I really like your hair " she slurred
"One , time i had a dog hair is really pretty, somtimes i pet my dog.... your hair is really pretty, one time i went to a party today and i got drunk and your hair is really pretty and this guy he's my brothers friend .. he's really hot his name is wilson dont tell him i told you that hes really hot, ok"
,that girl is FAAAUCKED up!!!! I just gave her some wired look and walked away ,my mother always told me if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. I walked away only to see an attractive guy he had blue eyes and pitch black hair
" hey" he smilied while blushing
"Hey you look very familiar"i yell over the the music .
" im your calculus teacher" and he winked.
****** flashback***********
Freshman year :1 week later...*************
" get ready for the test, pencils out "i was in math and we JUST have to have a test.
I finished my test only to get It back and it had an f on it , it said
You got another F you knows what that means
- brandon
I instantly start to shiver 3 f's in one week this is going to hurt
The bell rings and i look to see his expression and my face drops ...he winked
And everybody already left and he pointed to where i needed to lay down and i start taking off my shirt and he starts un buckling his jeans ..god help me get out of this place ...im only 14 and 1/2
A single tear runs down my face here we go again.
****End of flash back****
I start walking away fast!!!
its him! It's fucking him!
I didnt see him at all this year !! With the years of torture
He grabs me by the arm and pulls me in a closet
" spread your legs !NOW!!!" he screamed once he notices im not the same nerd i was a year ago.
"No "i whispered
He slapped me
"Dont you ever talk to me me like that girls would be lucky to be in this piostion"
And i hear a bang on the door
"Chloe!" He asked
"Reece help me!!!"i scream but my calculus teacher punched me in the jaw
And puts me in the shower i cant physically talk or scream because i cant ...my jaw hurts i see reece pounding on the door intell my calculus teacher open's up
" hey reece can i take a shit'?
" where is she you prick" reece shouted
Next thing i know I'm being carried to a bed
Ohhh no not again i start panicking as i start o scream
" shush chloe its just me, reece "
Was the last thing i heard before i was out for the count
As i wake up i was startled by Reece's arm around my waist
But i also hear shouting in the back ground so i get up out of bed
I see the same drunk girl from the party who thought my hair was pretty she started screaming
I walk over to her..
" hey stop screaming ,whats your name "?
"C---l-- airssa " she stutter
" why are you screaming clairssa"? I ask
" i just slept with my brothers bestfriend "and she just ran away!
"DAAAAAAMN her life is more screwed up than i thought"

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