8 first confession

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I was currently sitting at the end of the pourch outside infront of the house looking at the bright sky while i heard the door opening Reece came out.
"You still have to give,me one confession baby doll" he whispers
"But im not going to force you " he manged to say
I just starred at him .
Maybe i should tell him ive got nothing to loose he should already know.
Just tell him you cowered!
My inner voice said
"Reece" i whispered
" yeah "
" my first confession is--i--s"
I stuttered holding a sob in
" shush baby doll you don't need to explain "
I didnt know what to say
As i see here on the porch she looks so delicate
Dued you turning into a pussy my inner voice said .
I look at her as she is trying to tell me the most important thing in her life.
But then she's quickly changes her mind. like she's making something els up but her eyes flash again as if she's going to tell me something important but not as important as her first confession.
" i .. uhh my name isnt chole." She said my heart almost stopped i know her as chloe.."
"Then what's your name " i asked
" well it started in 7th grade when i got really lucky and almost died in a horrible car accident the car was flipped so many times" a single tear ran down her face it looks the most painful when the person in front of you is holding it in so hard
Just let it out !
" i was the only child that survived i had a littel brother name north he was 5 and a older sister name kyle she was 19 she was the best sister i could ever ask for ." She laughed while wiping tear
" she protected me in every way possible she told me.."
Her voice scratched a the end
" she told me it was me and her against the world ,that i am better than the world thinks of me .that i dont have to feel insecure because she believed in me more than i believed in my self ,....she .. she made me promise if she died before me to never give up because i was something special and she would take a bullet for me because you gotta protect the most precious things in life .she said people are waiting for you to give up. So never give up!
she told me that every time we left the house as we got in the car thats what she said ."
She started to sob
" those were her last words to me" she said below a whisper.
I looked at the girl infront of me she is so strong her sister was rite she is special in every way possible.
"So everybody said i was lucky to survive so they called me clover but now they call me Chloe for short.
But there wrong life has been a living hell.
"Then whats your name " i asked
" that's for me to know and you to figure out another day she left me wondering.. "come on i told my brother ill meet him for breakfest " i said
As we walk in to pikes diner i see her...
clarissa her body stiffens once she noticed us walking through the doors. i see her, excuse her self so i did the same. I pushed pass the bathroom doors
" clarissa?"
" its not what you think im not preagent" she said with a sad smile that didnt reach her eyes
I could tell she was scared and alone
" hey ,if you need a friend im here i will never judge you"
Her face softness
" i know "she said as she washed her hands and left .
A couple of minutes later i walked out to see Kate from the party
kiss reece! She fucking kissed him!!

Are you fucking kidding me .
Gosh reece your a FUCKING dick Head!!!!
My inner voice said
I walk out, smirked at the table and leave .
i walk away there is nothing left to say to that Jackass
As i walk away i hear him calling my name
But i didnt stop i ran the other direction i could hear him calling for me but i dont care we weren't labled as boyfriend/girlfriend but i have feelings to!
I saw a bus getting ready to close there doors but i hop in just in time only to know i had a quarter in my pocket
"Shit ,shit ,shit " i start to panic!
but the bus lady let me pass through only to see that clarissa had paid for me
I was just about to explain. intell she shooked her head
" i don't judge either "
She sat in her seat and looked at the window i sat next to her
" boys huh?"
Yeah stupid MOTHER FUCKERS i wanted to say but instead
I just smile and nod
A/n: vote and comment
Question: do you like clarissa???

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