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A/N: All the songs at the top of the chapters can be found in the Spotify playlist I made! Totally recommend checking out the variety of Artists in it!


𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔: 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓈

Last time on Dream Reality [Gone Wrong]

I take a seat in the uncomfortable chair. Out of all the outcomes I could've imagined, this doesn't seem too bad so far. Anything is better than getting kidnapped by the League of Villians in this world.

Come to think of it...the lady said I had powers. A quirk. I wonder what it is.

"Thank you," a man opens the door slightly talking to someone outside before coming in.

Black hair. Eyebags. A tux sits on his body and a sleeping bag is tucked under his arm.

There's only one person in the series who would carry a sleeping bag with him.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

Of course...it's going to be exactly how it is in every fanfiction I read. Mr. Aizawa is going to help me out in some way or form.

I slump back in my seat and think about how cliche my storyline in this reality is.

I hate this.


Mr. Aizawa sat across from me, placing a file on the desk. The file had nothing written in the front, and it didn't have anything sticking out from it. He pushes the file towards me to grab it. When I do I open it, and find nothing inside. Confused, I look back at him to find he's looking at me unamused. None of us speaks. Awkwardly I look back into the empty file trying to find something...anything that could help me escape this situation.

"All we have on you is the name and birthday you provided us," he finally decides to speak up. I put the open file on the table to look at him. Anyone would think that shifting would change the way the characters look, but Mr. Aizawa looked identical to how I've seen him in the anime. Part of me now wishes I listened to my friends when they begged me to continue watching it. At least then I would have more information on who each character is, and what quirk they possess.

"Yes. You guys do," I stated the obvious, "Why am I here?"

"Because that's all the information we have on you," he sighs, "You have nothing connecting you to anything in this country or world."

"I know," I breathe in and sit back.

Mr. Aizawa analyzes me, seeing if I was planning anything. I wasn't. Simply, I still pondered on how I came to be here. I never once thought about shifting here, and yet here I am. As worried as I am I remind myself to stay level-headed.

"I want to explain," I started, "I want to explain everything, but I honestly don't even know where to start myself."

"Just tell me what you remember before you came crashing into traffic."

Damn...blunt much?


"It's preferable if you tell us everything. From how your day began, to how it ended. It'll give us less work," he tells me very exasperated. I'm guessing he didn't sleep at all today.

"If I tell you guys everything, will I be let go?" I ask, hoping I'll get a chance of freedom once it's all resolved. Probably not though, considering I'm about to tell them I'm from a reality where they don't exist.

Dream Reality𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now