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💃𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔: 𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒾-𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒾𝒸😩

Last time on Dream Reality: Gone Wrong

Placing the bags down on the table, I take notice of a vase of flowers on the living room table. Weird. Those weren't there before.

I walk over and inspect them. A classic flower bouquet of roses. The roses aren't red though...they're black. Counting them, I come up with the number 13. Looking around I look to see if anything looks different. I don't see any doors left open, or anything peculiar from how I left it before I left.

Tilting the bouquet a bit to the right, a fancy little note card falls out. I put the vase down, and read the note. The gold engraving decorates it so nicely, it almost makes it impossible to read the ominous words on it.

I decide to read it and when I do, concern flows through my veins,

On it, it vaguely says,

"Have patience. The time will come."

-Yours truly, Anonymous.


"Did I tell you to stop running?"

"No...but I'm really tired. You've had me working out and running since 6 am!"

"And? This is supposed to condition your body. Without it, your quirk could wear you down quicker."

"It's almost 10 am sir...can I take a break...it's my first time doing exercise like this. I feel like I'm gonna pass out."

Mr. Aizawa sighs, "Fine. Training is over for today. However, you still have the placement assessment later today taking place at...1 pm. Go get changed and eat some lunch."

He leaves me on the vacant field outside the gym. Plopping down onto the grass below me, I lie there looking up at the sky. Trying to focus on calming my heavy breaths, I still can't believe I was pushed to exercise for a good 4 hours straight. Walking to school this morning, I never would've thought I would be laying on grass dying.

I close my eyes and feel the fresh air blow past. A whole week has passed since the incident with the black rose bouquet of death. After inspecting the vase, flowers, and note, I threw it all away in a dumpster behind the apartments. I know I should've said something to Mr. Aikawa, or someone in UA...but I didn't. As cliche as it sounds, something in me told me not to. Perhaps this was something I would have to decode on my own.

Even though my eyes remain closed, the sunlight dims. Did clouds cover the sun? I open my eyes to check, and I almost have a heart attack. Standing above me, a brunette girl covers the sun's rays from hitting my skin. Taking a good look at her I recognize her from the main cast of BNHA.

"Are you alright? I was taking a walk to get some fresh air, and I saw you lying here. For a good second, I thought you were dead!" she steps to my right side and crouches, "Are you a new student? I haven't seen you around."

Dumbfounded, I ponder on what I could tell her. I was a new student...however how can I explain that I'm transferring into their class in the middle of second year? It wouldn't make much sense...but I have to answer her with something at least. I'll just let Mr. Aizawa take care of the rest later when I move in.

"Um, yeah," I sit up and dust my lap even though there's nothing dirty about them, "I'm a transfer student from America. I just transferred here...and I guess I'm waiting to be put in a class. I don't know how it works here in Japan."

Dream Reality𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now