What happened Last Year.

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Recap of Previous part: Y/N was still in Cassandra's house, answering Pico's message and telling him where they were. It only lead to Pico coming over to pick Y/N up, but Y/N refused and begged Cassandra to let Pico stay. Y/N had a plan for Cassandra and Pico to get along better. Even if it may seem like a bit of a trouble, Y/N still hopes this will lead to ending the fighting between them. Pico just gave up and decided to go with it but also may say offensive jokes to Cassandra from time to time.
——————————Cassandra POV————————-

I kept on watching this so-called horror movie, which was not scary at all. There were no jump scares in it, which was was bullshit, but Alucard's scared ass can't handle shit like that. We all tried our best to enjoy the movie, though. Which, Alucard had no problem doing so. He was the only one who actually found the movie good.

I remembered I left something in the basement, so I said, "I need to go get something, everyone stay here." And walked to the hallway. I closed the door behind me and moved the book case. I walked down the stairs and saw one of the papers on the ground. It was strange, since when I left, I made sure to get everything organized. I also saw red footsteps on the ground, marked from the red pentagram's paint. Someone was here. I didn't know when or how, but I'm hoping it wasn't one of those government workers. They would've taken pictures of what I've written while being a Penilian and turn them in. I should keep this place locked up better.

"Cassandra, what the fuck is this place!?" I heard someone say. I quickly turned around and saw Pico standing in front of the stairs. "Shit. What are you doing down here? You're supposed to be upstairs with the others like I said." I asked him. "You think I don't suspect you of anything? You want to use Y/N as another one of your test subjects like you did with your last ex." Pico said. "Don't mention my ex, Prico. That was last year. It passed." I told him, remembering a few things of what happened last year with him. My ex. I had accidentally killed him in my Penilian form and only Pico knew about it because he was there.

"I didn't use him as a test subject." I said. "Then why would you just kill him like that? He was my friend too. Just like Y/N is. I'm not letting the same mistake happen twice." Pico told me, looking around the room. He walked up to a picture of my ex with a note saying, 'Missing Person' on it. I had picked it up a few months ago when they went looking out to find him. "You're a psychopath, Cassandra." He said, turning to me. "I can't control it, Pico. I tried, but whenever I turn into my Penilian form, I loose control." I tried to explain to him. "Whatever. I'll see you upstairs. What I told you just now is a warning." Pico said, walking up the stairs. I sighed and just got over with it. There was no point in being emotional about it.

I got up the stairs and went to sit back to watch the Tv. Still, though. Who could've walked in there?

————————————Y/N POV——————————

Cassandra had gotten back now. Hopefully she didn't check down in the basement. I feel like I didn't  fix many things when I got out. When Cassandra walked away, Pico told me he had to go to the restroom, but I'm not sure he knew where it was. Though when Cassandra and Pico were gone, Hanzou kept trying to scare Alucard, but always seemed to fail. It surprised me. Pierre was making more popcorn, and Spike was dead asleep from how boring the movie was.

"Dude, this movie fucking sucks. It's for babies." Cyclops said, getting bored already. "Come on, Cyclops. It's a good movie. You're just not paying attention." Alucard told him, trying to change his mind. "Bruh. One of the characters got pregnant. LITERALLY PREGNANT. AND THE BABY DIDN'T DIE EVEN THOUGH IT GOT KICKED DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS TEN TIMES." Cyclops yelled. "That baby's literally immortal," Hanzou said, kind of agreeing with Cyclops. "Can you guys shut the fuck up and just change the damn movie instead of fighting about it?" Cassandra said, sticking a lollipop in her mouth. Pierre came in and handed out the extra popcorn.

Cyclops then changed the movie to a scarier looking one. "Cyclops, please. Why?" Alucard said, getting a pillow to hug it. "Get over with it, Alucard. It's in a fucking screen. It won't hurt you." Cyclops told Alucard.

During the movie, Alucard kept getting scared when there were jumps cares. The guys only laughed, but Cassandra and Pico seemed a bit off. I'm sure I was the only one who noticed it. I'll have to talk to Cassandra later about it.

Enemies To Lovers 2 (Cassandra x Reader) (Pico's School)Where stories live. Discover now