The room.

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Recap of Previous part: Y/N came to class with Pico holding their hand, making Cassandra notice. She then thought of him stealing Y/N and decided to start some "war" on him. Now, both of their hate for each other grew.
———————————Y/N POV——————————-

After class, I had to go to detention with Cassandra for half an hour. Cassandra had to stay there for an hour. Longer than me. We both sat there, bored. There was really nothing to do but to stare at the clock and hope time goes faster. I was kicking my chair, looking at the board.

Cassandra snapped her fingers, trying to get my attention. I looked to her and she passed me a note. It said, 'Let's meet at my house after this. The gang's coming over, so I decided you'd come along too. I left the door open, so you can come in once you're out.' It looked like fun. I nodded and continued waiting.

My time in detention was done, and I headed out to go to Cassandra's house. It was a bit of a walk, honestly. I had to change clothes at my house and then walk over to her house. I got there quite quickly, though.

I opened the door and walked inside. I sat on the couch, tired as hell. It felt different from the last time I came here for some reason. Why?

Was I missing something?

I felt this gut feeling in me. Worry. Anxiety? Maybe I was tired.

I decided to stand up and wash my face to fix it. When I looked for the bathroom, I saw this shelf with goth music. I wanted to reach for one, but instead I fell back. I fell on this bookcase making my head hurt a bit too much. "Oww..." I said from the pain.

I stood up and saw that I moved the bookcase to the side, revealing a scratched up door. I was curious and decided to open it. There was a staircase that lead down to some basement. "Cassandra would take a while to get here, so I should check it out." I told myself.

I walked down the stairs and saw a pentagram on the ground written in red. I'm sure it wasn't blood, since it was bright red colored. I looked around more, and saw papers with Cassandra's handwriting in it. One of them said, 'One day, this fucking world will learn their fucking lesson. Soon.' It got me goosebumps. I saw a knife with blood on the ground and thought I already saw enough. I rushed upstairs and made sure I put the bookcase in the same position it was. I sat exhausted on the couch with my heart raising.

What was she planning to do? 'Change the word'? That sounded insane when it's from Cassandra saying it. I shouldn't ask her about it. She'll probably think I was walking around her house looking for things. I'm sure I wasn't, since I was only looking for the bathroom. I felt more anxious now.

I was about to fall asleep, until Cassandra opened the door. "Hey, sorry for the wait." She said. "It's ok." I said. "It's still a bit early, so my gang will probably get here later on." Cassandra said, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, ok." I responded, looking to the side and thinking. "What's up with you and Pico?" I asked her, remembering what had happened in school. "You know how that bitch is." She told me. I looked up tired, but my heart was still pumping fast. I felt guilty for going in that room. Cassandra was full of bad things, and I didn't know it because she never brings it up or acts like she's done it. She acts differently around me.

"You're tired?" She asked. I nodded in response. I was tired of her keeping things from me. She thinks I've forgotten the things she's done in the past. For example, that flammable machine in the room inside the teacher's lounge. Same with her book with the pentagram and what it had said in it. Kidnapping people and making them test subjects is bad. More than bad. My thoughts were confused even more.

I looked over to Cassandra, and she was chilling on the couch watching the tv. It doesn't look like she did any of those things, which was strange. She's just like that around me. Maybe she's changed. I guess I should forgive her for now. I'll just have to stop her if she does do anything wrong again.

I got closer to Cassandra and hugged her. "I thought you said you were tired," She said, patting my head. "I am. I just wanted to hug you." I said, smiling. Cassandra only laughed a little. We stayed hugging for a while, until Cyclops kicked the door open and said, "NO HUGGING ON MY WATCH, BITCHES." And then pulled me and Cassandra apart. "Cyclops what the fuck!?" Cassandra yelled at Cyclops. "The energy in the room was uncomfortable." He said, crossing his arms. I forgot he still hates me pretty much. I think I got along with Cassandra's whole gang except Spike and Cyclops. They're complicated people.

Cassandra only rolled her eyes and mumbled something, but I couldn't hear what it was. We had to wait until Alucard, Hanzou, Pierre, and Spike got here. It shouldn't take them long. I didn't know how Cassandra did parties with them, so whatever happens, I'm just going to go with it. I then got a message from Pico saying, 'Where are you?'

Shit. What do I tell him? I can't lie to him. I feared that he would soon find out.

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