Queenie,I'm Home!

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Tina walked up the flight of stairs to her and Queenies apartment for the last time in what could be a while. Today she had been called into Madam Picquery's office and told to sit down. The last time she had been called directly into the office was after the mess thanks to Newt and his spectacular case of creatures had caused and the time before was when she was being demoted. So she was hardly ecstatic when she was called in and sat in front of the formidable woman. She was even less excited to break the news to Queenie that she'd be moving halfway across the world.

Opening the door she walked into seeing Queenie quite frankly submerged in Jacob. Rolling her eyes she pointedly went
"Ahem" watching with glee as they broke apart instantaneously. She hated the fact they were breaking the law so she made a point for them to kiss when she wasn't home and then try and convince Queenie what she was doing was illegal once Jacob had left.
"Teenie! You're back early?"Queenie exclaimed looking as put together and beautiful as ever with only faint lipstick smudges
"I'm half an hour late" Tina replied monotonously
"And I've got news which affects both of you so please unwrap yourselves and join me at the dining table" Tina continued before pivoting into the dining room and summoning a pot of tea.

Queenie found it hilarious that since the eccentric British Magizoologist left over two months ago she had drunk tea when she wanted to calm down. It wasn't anything to do with Liking Newt as her dear sister seemed set on. She just liked the taste. It was soothing and reminded her of the few days he stayed before managing to get a boat back to London. Those nights they just got to know each other over cups of tea that Newt made the no-maj way as if it makes a difference. She was snapped out of her reverie by a smirking Queenie sinking to a chair followed by Jacob
"Don't read my mind Queenie" But her smirk just deepened
"Okay, you two-I have some news." Seeing them listening in attentively she began
"Grindelwald seems to be flitting around Europe and he was most recently spotted in England. I've been picked by the Head Auror in England to help fight him and I'm heading over via portkey in three days" Both of them looked a little shell shocked and Queenie
"But Teenie how long will you be gone?"
"Until Grindelwald's caught"
"That could be a while" Queenie murmured and Tina could feel her heartbreaking. They hadn't been apart since Tina started Ilvermony and being apart from her sister indefinitely made her not want to go. They sat in silence drinking tea until Queenie piped up
"Do you have to go alone?"
"N-No I don't have to"

Queenie seemed to be having an inner debate but suddenly snapped out of it and looked at Jacob beside her
"You'd really come with me?"
"Yeah, I mean we could possibly y'know not have to hide as much if we went there. That's what Newt said anyway"
"I-I'd love you to come. I wasn't exactly keen on going to an unknown place by myself" Queenie smiled at her knowingly
"Don't worry we won't get in the way of any private time with Newt" Tina felt herself blush bright red and splutter an excuse but Queenie had already moved on
"Well, Honey it's a good job you haven't bought the bakery yet. I suppose we need to packing. Oh isn't this just the berries!"
"Jacob arrive here at 11 Am Friday"
"Of course Doll. See ya" He stood up, kissed Queenie briefly then left the apartment.

"Teenie, we're actually gonna leave New York!"
"Yeah, I suppose we are" Replied Tina in a faraway voice. Tina had always wanted to see more of the world but it was just something that never happened. There was always something in the way but being stationed in England meant that she could quite possibly see the sights of Europe and beyond. Maybe she could even travel with Newt a while -
"I'm sure he'd love to Teen" Queenie commented absent-mindedly looking around the room almost mentally calculating something.
"Queen just get out of my head."

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