Hold on Tight

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Three days later Tina was leading Queenie and Jacob up to Madam Picquerys office. After some well-placed extension and shrinking charms, everything they owned was packed in two cases and they had handed in their keys to Mrs Esposito. Jacob had brought all his money for a bakery with him as well as some solution on how to pay back the bank's loan.

Tina knocked confidently on the door to the Madams office and was called in to see a dark-haired and eerily familiar-looking man talking to the minister.
"Auror Goldstein this is the Head Auror of the British Ministry and your boss while you are stationed over there" Tina smiled and shook his hand but internally she was trying to figure out why he was so familiar. His hair was slightly curly and his eyes were a startling green
"I'm Theseus Scamander and it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Scamander? as in?
"Scamander?" Tina asked slightly startled
"Yes, I believe the three of you had quite the run-in with my little brother last year"
"Yes, that is one way of putting it" Tina commented through a chuckle.
"He's not aware we're arriving unless you sent an owl ahead so my Little brother currently thinks I'm in a meeting on illegal beast fighting so we best get going."He pulled out a battered-looking hat and placed it on the desk
"Madam my brothers travel ban is still in place so the chances of his fantastic beasts getting free are going to be zero once the only reason he was fighting to come here is coming back with me. You three gather round" They all gathered around the hat and once Queenie had quickly explained to Jacob what was happening they span out of Picqueries office and landed in a similarly furnished office with a false looking window peering onto a dark London street.

"Well, Americans welcome to England" Theseus declared smoothing down his suit and looking at Jacob who appeared about to either throw up or pass out. Tina couldn't help it but seeing him in his own office made her make comparisons in her mind. Physically Newt and he were about the same, Theseus may be slightly taller. But he carried himself confidently, there were no hunched shoulders or stuttering, and for some reason Tina found herself missing it.
"It is currently 6 pm and this, Auror Goldstein, is the Auror department. You will enter through the flush system that Mr Graves should have gone through with you" Mr Graves had gone through it with her and frankly it sounded unnecessary and more than slightly unhygienic.
"Please arrive at 9 am sharpish on Monday and I'll introduce you to the team. We've got you three rooms at the Leaky Cauldron"
"Thank you" Tina replied shortly and Theseus raised his eyebrows
"Do you want me to take you three to Newts home?"Tina blushed slightly but nodded
"Please Honey," Queenie added with a smile

Theseus rolled his eyes but offered his hand
"Is this gonna make me feel sick again"
Jacob asked looking at the outstretched hand uncertainly Queenie and Tina looked between each other before Tina grabbed hold of Theseus' oddly smooth hand (the complete opposite of Newts calloused and rough ones) and looked back at him smiling
"Yep hold on tight". Jacob gulped and closed his eyes reaching for both Queenies and Tina's hand before they disappeared once again.

Reappearing on a damp muggle street Jacob staggered to throw up and Queenie ran after him with her wand out.
"You couldn't have waited five minutes for him to calm down?" Tina asked coldly
"I would have but I'm late to dinner with my Fiancée as it is. That being said Newts door is the green one straight ahead and you can use the Floo Network to get to the Leaky Cauldron"
"The floo- what now?" Tina asked spinning round to him but he had already disapparated.

Grumbling under her breath at his incompetence she heard footsteps approaching. Turning she saw a still nauseous but looking slightly better Jacob being half dragged by Queenie. Before Tina could gesture to the correct door Queenie interrupted
"The green one? Okay honey you lead the  way"
"Queenie How are you-"
"Your thoughts are super loud today Honey" She replied with a knowing smile.

Approaching the door they looked at the window to see lights flashing on and off. As they got closer bangs and crashes echoed out as well as some swearing. Tina instantly had her wand in her hand and gestured for Queenie to do the same.
"Alohomora" Tina whispered, opening the door gently and gesturing for the other two to follow. The bangs instantly got louder and they turned into a messy living room.

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