Just Let Go

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Early Monday morning at 6 am there was a knock at the door. Newt was about to see to his creatures and was the only one awake but he was conscious enough to know that early morning call-ins were not a good sign. Drawing his wand he padded towards the door and opened it briskly to reveal his older brother, already fully dressed completely with a deep blue tie. This made Newt briskly look over his own outfit which consisted of his brown trousers, an untucked shirt and his hair was unbrushed and wild
"Thee what are you doing here?" Newt asked curiously, his voice still husky from sleep
"Ah good morning Newton" Theseus replied jovially "Mind if I come in?" Newt wordlessly opened the door wider and gestured into the living room.

Theseus sat gently onto the sofa and Newt stumbled into the vacant armchair.
"Thee why are you here? Tina will be at work in a few hours"
"Well yes but I wanted to check on her and I wanted to talk to you "
"Wait, how did you know they were staying with me anyway?"
"Your girlfriend sent me a letter saying you had invited her, her sister and Mr Kowalski to stay with you"
"Tina is not my girlfriend." Newt mumbled and Theseus just waved him off "Of course little brother"
"Anyways I'm here to ask you a question"
"And said question couldn't have waited until breakfast?" Newt asked slightly annoyed, he had beasts to feed and breakfast to make before waking up the household.
"Newton just let me ask you the question!"
Newt just glared
"Fine. What is it?" Newt mumbled
"Will you be my best man?" Newts eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
"You're engaged?"
"I am indeed" Theseus confirmed with a glint in his eyes.
"Theseus that's-"
"I know" His grin widened and he pulled an unsuspecting Newt into a hug making him squeak in surprise. Newt began to wriggle and squirm and Theseus held on tighter, laughing as he did so, like he used to when they were young children.

"What is going on?" Came an amused voice from the door, Newts protests and Theseus' laughing had obviously roused the household and they turned to the door to see Tina watching them looking slightly dishevelled from sleep. Newt used the moment of distraction to duck out of Theseus' grip and jump out of the way.
"Good Morning Tina!" Newt declared slightly louder than intended
"Good morning Newt?" Tina replied in a questioning tone looking at the bedraggled Newt and the still put together Theseus
"Fido and I were just having a brotherly moment"
"One of my middle names" Newt mumbled
"Anyway, I asked him to be my best man and he is yet to consent" Both Theseus and Tina looked at him expectantly and he sighed before murmuring"It would be an honour"
"Brilliant! Leta will be overjoyed to hear that" Newt froze and stared at Theseus
"Leta?" Newt asked gruffly
"Yes I believe you were quite close in Hogwarts" Newts insides clawed at him and his chest felt like a boa constrictor had wrapped itself around it.
"Th-That's- good for you Thee" Newt stammered out "I'm sure you're very happy with each other"
"Thank you Fido" Theseus grinned, obviously missing his mood change but Tina narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion.
"Well I'm yet to feed the creatures or start breakfast but you're welcome to eat with us" Before anyone else could respond Newt got up ruffling his hair and left.

Tina watched Newt leave with her brows scrunched. Why did the name Leta sound so familiar? She looked over to Theseus who also seemed to be confused about his sudden departure.
"Who's Leta to him?"
"Leta Lestrange they were friends in Hogwarts I honestly thought he'd be happy to see her again, they haven't spoken since his expulsion"
Then it all came back to her, the photograph in his case, the close friendship and the hurt in his eyes when Queenie had said something. She is the woman Tina was convinced Newt was still in love with. Instead of me.

"I'll go check on him" Tina stated and she hauled herself up and hurried down the basement steps where he had just vacated.
Newt hurried down the steps and into his shed. As usual Leta's photo had been removed from his case and was placed oh so carefully by his desk. Looking at her smiling face he felt his stomach contract at the realisation. After meeting Tina he no longer straightened and caressed the frame with longing, instead choosing to look at the newspaper cut out that was currently stuck in his case lid. He had no idea why he was so angry. He hadn't loved Leta in a long time but his heart still stung.

It stung with betrayal

The betrayal of Leta from all those years ago, The betrayal of Theseus for marrying her anyway and the betrayal of Leta for marrying his brother! Suddenly he felt a burst of anger towards Leta and himself which caused him to grab the framed picture and storm to the brink of the Kelpie lake. Without even stopping to look at her eerily perfect smile he hurled it into the water. Hearing it splash and sink into the water he began to smile, then chuckle then laugh hysterically. For the first time in years, he finally felt free.
Tina hurried down the stairs to see Newt storming out of his shed, holding something in his hand. She rounded the corner watching as he threw the thing he was holding into the water and began to laugh maniacally. Slowly approaching she cleared her throat and his laughing ceased as he spun around to look at her suddenly looking quite embarrassed.
"Newt are you ok?" She asked rather awkwardly and Newt appeared to ponder it for a second before straightening his posture (something that threw Tina as she thought he was only slightly taller but he was actually easily a foot or so taller than her) and turned to her with a smile
"I am actually," Said Newt "I am now anyway" he added.
"Good, I was slightly worried when you just ran out like that" Newts posture shrank slightly again and his face flushed.
"Oh no, I'm fine really." His face darkened as he continued quietly "Thank you for worrying though"

They stood slightly awkwardly looking at each other for a beat before Newt said "Want to grab a bucket?" and Tina nodded before following him into his shed. She did her usual cursory glance to Leta's photo that was usually sat on the shelf by his desk and saw it was empty. As Newt handed her several buckets she couldn't help but ask
"Newt where's your photo?" Newt looked up from chopping several chunks of meat with a bashful look on his face
"I-It doesn't matter, I-I hadn't realised how m-much I'd changed and well-" he glanced up at her, steadily growing redder "I don't want to fight it anymore" he then silently handed her the buckets and they went about the morning feed.

When they both arrived back upstairs Queenie and Jacob were flirting with each other as they finished cooking breakfast and Theseus was looking slightly uncomfortable. Queenie looked up and smirked at Newt
"Well honey it took ya long enough"
"Queenie please get out of my head" Newt responded feebly, ducking his head to hide his blush. Tina looked between the two of them before taking a seat at the table, sighing slightly in annoyance. This is really gonna be my life huh?
But looking around at the group sat at the table with Jacob and Queenie flirting as Theseus switched seamlessly from annoying Newt to asking her thought-provoking questions she realised that she wouldn't have it any other way

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