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It was still pitch black outside when Newt awoke to seemingly nothing. He tried to squint in the darkness but this far back in the house the streetlights had no effect on the interior and so Newt could hardly see at all. He reached for his wand and murmured as quietly as he could
"Lumos" with his voice thick with sleep. He pointed his wand at his alarm clock which read as 2:45. Groaning slightly at the early hour he rolled on his back and sat up slightly, sweeping his wand to illuminate the room slightly. He jumped when he saw a dark figure stood at the end of the bed looking at him. The figure whimpered slightly and Newt pointed his wand at it to reveal Tina.

She was wearing cream coloured pyjamas and her hair was mussed up by sleep. However, that's when the normality ceased and he noticed how broken she looked. Her usually fiery eyes were extinguished and looked more similar to the endless depths of the black lake, her cheeks were stained with tears and she trembled under his gaze.
"T-Tina?" Newt asked with his voice still oddly husky. She took a deep breath then began to cry, hard. Part of Newt panicked but the other part just wanted to comfort her, regardless of the consequences come morning.
"Come 'ere" murmured Newt opening his arms which she quickly scrambled into. She rested her head on his chest and began to sob against him. Newt shut down most of his brain and began to work off the part mostly suppressed to all those but his creatures and pulled her closer until she was fully cradled in his arms.
"Sh sh sh it's okay Tina. I've got you. You're safe, I'm safe, We're safe" He kept repeating that mantra until her breathing slowed slightly and her sobs turned to soft sniffles. Eventually, when Newt felt she was definitely asleep he rested his chin on her head, feeling her nuzzle his chest in her sleep he whispered
"We're all safe Tina. I'll never let anything happen to you b-because I'll always catch you, Tina"
He then swiftly fell back to sleep, allowing the allure of his heavy eyelids to pull him under. He fell asleep so quickly that he didn't notice Tina smile against his shirt that was damp from her tears and he didn't hear her mumble
"I know"

Queenie was looking at the breakfast she cooked with trepidation. She was usually last awake and by the time she was downstairs at the very least the basement door was unlocked and you could hear Newt whistling as he fed his creatures but now Jacob and she were fully dressed, the table was laid and breakfast was finished and there was no sign of neither Newt nor Tina having even made it downstairs.
"Do ya think they're,y'know alright?"  Jacob asked cautiously. Queenie tried to give him a reassuring smile but she was pretty sure it looked like a grimace. If the past few weeks had taught her anything that both her sister and Newt were creatures of habit. Something had to have happened.

"Maybe they're just asleep?" Jacob continued "Or maybe they finally got there y'know act together if y'know what I mean" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and Queenie let out a hollow chuckle. She couldn't feel her sisters mind, which was odd so it was unlikely that anything exciting happened because they would be an open book.
Extreme fear, pain, excitement and love were the easiest to read because the mind becomes so immersed with them that it practically yells its thoughts.
"Let's go see if they're still asleep doll before we jump to conclusions"
Queenie nodded and they swiftly walked upstairs, it was utterly silent upstairs and the absence of noise made Queenie's heart sink. They walked to Tinas door and Queenie gently pushed it open to find it empty. The bed was slept in but no day clothes were missing, all her blouses were in place, it was as if she had gone in the middle of the night.

Queenie's chest began to flutter with panic and Jacob hurried to Newts room only to return a few seconds later with a huge grin on his.
"Wh-" Queenie began and he just beckoned her through the door
"Shhh" he placed a finger to his lips "Just follow me" Queenie hurriedly followed Jacob into Newts room and then had to stop herself from audibly squealing in excitement.

Initially, it looked like just one person was occupying Newts double bed but when you approached, the weak winter sunlight pouring in from the slit in the curtains illuminated two closely intertwined figures. Tina's face was buried in Newts chest so that only her dark bob was showing and Newts head was resting on hers with a face Queenie had never seen before. He looked happy and relaxed as he breathed deeply in his sleep.

Queenie raised her wand and murmured
"Accio camera" Two days ago after some instructions from Newt, Queenie found her way to Diagon Alley and bought a camera and several rolls of magical film and if there's any time to use it, now is a pretty great one. She levitated the camera over the sleeping couple and then waved her wand slightly causing it to click once to signify it had begun to film. The noise of the click caused Newt to stir slightly and draw Tina in tighter then it clicked again. Queenie summoned the floating camera back to her and decided to wake the peaceful couple up.
"Aguamenti" She stated loudly and clearly, grinning widely as the jet of water poured out her wand and landed with a satisfying splash.


Tina was in the throngs of a deep and dreamless sleep when she felt a curtain of ice-cold water fall over her. She jumped awake and away from the warm embrace of Newt with a start. As she tried to blink the sleep from her eyes she watched an adorably crumpled Newt scramble for his wand and point it towards the doorway at the source of the water. Tina had left her wand in her room so leapt back towards Newt under the protection of his wand. The lights came on and Tina saw who were the cause of the water. Her sister and her sisters' boyfriend stood grinning wildly at the sight of them together under the covers. Newt groaned beside her burying his head in his hands and Tina leaned over and whispered
"I'm sorry"
"S'not your fault" Newt mumbled, lifting his head and looking at her with his voice still husky from sleep as he tapped her arm reassuringly. He then lifted his wand and dried the sheets before they both turned to Queenie looking incredibly disgruntled.
"Good Morning Guys! How did you sleep? Or did you not sleep much at all if you get what I mean" Jacob asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively at the end and Queenie giggled beside him.
"Can you two shut up" Tina whined
"Yes, Tina just had a nightmare and I comforted her." He cleared his throat removing the husky quality entirely and replacing it with his usual British accent before continuing "Nothing else which you should well know Queenie" Newt added, mostly directing it towards Queenie.
"I didn't wanna go digging honey. I know we're close but I didn't wanna come across any memories that would-"she pondered for a second "Cross the boundary" she settled on and Newt blushed to the roots of his hair, obviously now awake enough to register that they had been caught snuggled up together in bed.

"Queen, Jacob I love you both but if you don't get out right now I'll hex you" They both winked good-heartedly and ducked out the room leaving a photo floating where they had vacated. Tina slipped out of bed and padded towards the floating photo. She plucked it out of the air and felt her face flush red. The photo showed her and Newt asleep and embraced tightly. The noise of the camera activating obviously roused Newt slightly as he shuffled and pulled her closer as the photo played out. Newt was watching her wordlessly as she stared at the photo and she silently walked back to the bed before thrusting into his hand.

He looked at the picture with a blank expression but with a luminous red face. He then smiled slightly and pulled his wand off the table before murmuring
"Geminio" the picture duplicated and he handed the original to Tina with a bashful smile.
"I- th" He spluttered but Tina silenced him quickly by taking it and resting her hand briefly on his.
"Th-Thank you" She murmured in response before continuing softly "For everything, last night, y'know. I think I'll go get dressed". They shared one last shy smile before Tina hurried into her room. Tenderly tucking the image of them both into the crevice of her mirror.

After a much more hurried breakfast than Tina would have liked she bumped into Theseus in the lift up to the auror department. The man was as always very polished and official-looking. They had the lift to themselves and as the lift began to move he turned to her and said
"Good Morning Tina"
"Morning Theseus" Tina responded monotonously, maintaining her eye contact with the door
"You're not as chipper as I'd thought you'd be considering that I heard you woke up in bed with my brother"
"Wha- Ho- Wh-" The shorter auror spluttered incoherently
"I may have received an owl from your sister that you had a nightmare and you woke up together"
The way Theseus emphasised the last word made her want to tie him to a chair and launch him across a room.
"W-We're just friends! It was just him helping me with a nightmare" Theseus didn't look convinced and after his revelation, he continued to chatter as usual as they waited for their lift to reach the desired floor. Despite the fact Tina nodded along to his animated conversation about some bookshelves he made, her mind was filled with one thought
"I am so going to murder Queenie"

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