What did you just say?

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After a rather enjoyable breakfast, Theseus stood up and suddenly turned much more serious after getting one last jibe at Newt and turned to Tina.
"Well, Auror Goldstein I believe it is time for us to head to work". Tina nodded and waved goodbye to the group at the table before walking out behind Theseus.

Newt followed her leaving the room and couldn't help the sigh that escaped as he watched her walk out, making Queenie and Jacob chuckle lightly as they tidied up. Newt raised an eyebrow at them and Jacob stated "Boy have you got it bad"
"I-I don't know what you mean" Newt stammered in reply
"Oh honey I thought we were past this, I thought you didn't wanna fight it anymore" Queenie answered in a lecturing tone. Newt did not want to muddle through his feelings right now, even less with an audience so instead, he glared at them both, thought some well-chosen swear words and walked upstairs, slamming the door slightly in annoyance before collapsing on the bed.

He knew he should be working, or at the very least proofreading his manuscript but he just sat there staring at the ceiling, taking in the various swirls of plaster. It was ridiculous really. He had accepted that Leta was in the past and he had accepted he may have a teeny tiny crush on Tina but he was damned if he knew what to do next. He wasn't going to go confessing to her because he'd only get hurt again. Why would strong, beautiful and mildly terrifying when she calls him Mr Scamander Tina want awkward, antisocial and quite frankly annoying him.
She really is beautiful Newt sighed, exasperated at his inner monologue. He really believed brains should come with a shut-off switch or maybe at the very least a volume button. Then instead of everything he did leading back to thoughts of Tina, he could just rest in silence.
But you still wouldn't be at peace
The teasing inner voice taunted and as much as he loathed to admit it, the voice was right. Even if it ate him up inside when the niggling thoughts about Tina bubbled up it made him feel lighter on his feet.
"I am such a fool" Newt mumbled to the ceiling before pulling his manuscript off his bedside table and settling down to read, quill in hand.

Tina was rather nervous as Theseus pointed and gesticulated to a board at the front of the meeting room which had a world map surrounded by reams upon reams of evidence. Everyone had begun whispering furiously as Theseus finished the briefing. They had some new evidence and apparently, it was the first in a while so everyone was twittering making Theseus bellow
"AURORS!" Instantly everyone silenced
"Now I know this is exciting especially after spotting Grindelwald nearby but I need you all to be quiet for another five minutes" He scanned the room to see everyone's submission and he continued
"In light of recent events, we are communicating closely with MACUSA" There was a collective groan and Tina straightened,1 slightly uncomfortable
"Alright! I know we've had a-" He hesitated slightly, trying to choose the right words before continuing "complicated relationship with the American Ministry but this is wizarding and Muggle lives at risk. We have already had the arrival of Auror Tina Goldstein" Tina waved at them uncertainly and several nodded in appreciation " But due to the newfound evidence we are having five others join us next week now you should all know what to do, let's go and do it!" The Aurors instantly began packing up their notes and a friendly-looking wavy blonde-haired auror came up to her. The auror was the only other female in the office and she had a soft smile on her face that lit up her blue eyes. The woman held out her hand and Tina shook it, firmly.
"Hi, I'm Flo Briggs! I read your article in the paper, I can't believe you took down Grindelwald! I mean that man-" She paused with an angry sigh and Tina interrupted
"I know. Thanks though but it wasn't really me it was Newt"
"Newt as in Auror Scamander's little brother?" Tina hoped she suppressed her blush sufficiently and replied shortly
"Yep" Flo raised an eyebrow at her faintly pink cheeks and had a resolute expression on her face as she asked "I never thought he was capable of that. I mean he's never been up here but Scamander has mentioned him once or twice and he didn't strike me as necessarily a fighter"
"He's not, he's sweet and loves creatures. He hates hurting anyone or anything but he still protects and defends those he cares about. He's amazingly talented with creatures, I mean I've seen stronger men cower in fear at some of the things he's-" Tina realised she was rambling and blushed again, hard.
"He seems like a good friend" Flo responded, putting a heavy emphasis on friend as she pulled Tina out of the meeting room and into the main hallway. The auror department consisted of one corridor with several offices leading off it and Theseus' being the largest directly next to the meeting room. Flo led her to a door that had the name 'Auror Florence Briggs' engraved on a metal bar on the door and underneath was another bar with 'Auror Porpentina Goldstein' engraved on it.
"This Tina is our office" Flo pushed open the door with a flourish and the door collided with the bin.
"It's not a lot I'm afraid" The room had two desks facing each other in the centre with a wooden chair on rollers at each. One of them looked completely barren while the other looked had an air of organised chaos. There was a bin at the end of the desks and two cork boards attached to the wall opposite the door. On the wall behind each desk was a shelf which once again was absent of anything on one side and on the other filled with books, photographs and clutter. In between the two cork boards was a window overlooking the street outside which must have been conjured as they were almost certainly underground.
"I think it will be just great" Flo smiled at her with glee before collapsing into the wooden chair which wheeled her straight into the wall with a thud.
"Oops" She giggled and Tina decided to follow suit.

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