Schnappter One

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Romedia's POV:

I was just finishing getting ready for the day when my da knocked on my bathroom door.

"What is it?"

"Were leaving in ten."

"Okay I'll be out in a couple minutes."

I finished putting on some lip gloss and decided to post a story of my outfit of the day.

A couple minutes later I was going to go grab my sunglasses and head out to the car and wait but then I thought about bringing my longboard so Khai and I could escape if we felt like it

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A couple minutes later I was going to go grab my sunglasses and head out to the car and wait but then I thought about bringing my longboard so Khai and I could escape if we felt like it.


"I'll put the directions into Google Maps." My pa offered.

"Do you remember how to to it?" My older sister Darcy asked.

"Nope," He responded, handing her the phone with Google Maps pulled out.


"We're here." Da announced.

"Only got lost twice." My older brother Freddie said. 

"I blame the iPhone." Da accused

"Are you going to make a conspiracy about it?" I said.

"Haha. very funny." Da fake laughed.

"Romedia!!" Khai squealed as she came over to hug me. 

"I missed you over the two weeks I didn't see you!"

"Same! Here, come inside." She leaded.


"The Tomlinson's are here!" Khai called out when we got inside the party house Gigi rented for Zayn's birthday. 

"Come in, come in!" Gigi welcomed as she came in the doorway.

The adults went off to talk about their boring adult stuff while leaving Khai, Darcy, and I. 

"You hungry? there are fresh lemons and cheese." Khai offered.

"Sounds lovely." I helped myself to a slice of cheese.


Over the next half hour the all the people that I would know and talk to arrived.

"What do y'all want to do?" Dustin, Uncle Liam's son, wondered.

"I brought my longboard, so we could go for a walk."

"Sounds great!" Khai, Dustin, and Nora agreed.


"Too bad Milo, Veronica, and Winston aren't here."" Nora sighed.

"Yeah," Dustin agreed.

Dustin, Nora and I have a friend group. Our group name is "2 Het's and 4 B's" This is because there are two people in the group that are straight, and four of us are bi. The other  peeps in the groups names are Milo, Veronica, and Winston. We the group used to be split in two; Dustin, Nora, and I, well the other mini-group was Veronica, Winston, and Milo. Khai's friends with them but not as close since she's a year younger and barely sees them. But in forth grade we conjoined. The reason it used to just be Dustin, Nora and I was because they were my friends since birth and they knew me best. Nora is my Uncle Niall's daughter. Veronica, Winston, and Milo were at my grade school and we got partnered up for a group project, that's when 2 Het's and 4 B's was born. The two hets are Veronica and Dustin. 

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