Schnappter Six

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Noah's POV:

After we filmed our evening scenes I went back to the place that I was staying at while we are shooting and right before I was going to turn off my phone and go to sleep I got a notification from that one app thingy that Finn put me on.


Hello! I was wondering if you would like to be



OH MY SOMEONE WANTS TO BE MY PEN-PAL. WHAT DO I SAY? Obviously I would like to say yes, but how? Finn would have an answer to this. I picked up my phone and called him.


"Dude what's up, why are you calling me so late?" He asked, accepting the call.

"So ya know how earlier you said that we have to wait and have a person shoot me a message and say that they want to be pen-pals?'' I started.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well our wait is over,"

"Someone messaged you, asking to be pen-pals?"

"Yeah, but now I don't know what to say."

"Well do you want to be pen-pals with them?"


"Then say something like 'hi, sorry for seeing your message late, I have been at work all day, I would like to write back and forth, be ready to get a letter soon.' Or something like that."

"Alright, I'll let you know how it goes."

"Okay, don't bother me at all for the rest of the night unless you're dead."

"okay, I'll try me best."

"To not bother me, or to die?"

"Who knows."

With that, I ended the call and went back to the app.


Hello! I was wondering if you would like to be 


Hey! Sorry for answering late, I've been busy

all day with work. Be expecting to receive a 

letter in the mail soon.


After sending the message, I went to sleep.


The next morning before doing the final scenes and wrapping up the show, I had to get up and do some online school.


About 3 hours later I was done with school for the day and headed over to set with Finn, since we was the person that I was closest to that could legally drive. 

"I woke up to another message from the person who wants to be my pen-pal." I said when it started to get quiet.

"What did they say?'' Finn asked.

"They said, and I quote, 'Thanks for getting back to me! Make sure you are ready to receive a letter, too.'"

"Wow, very exciting conversations."

A Letter Away (Noah Schnapp)Where stories live. Discover now