Schnappter Nineteen

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Romedia's POV:

Because I would be on an airplane for the next 10 hours I preplanned what I would do and the plan starts with writing back and answering Nick, reading a couple chapters of a book, sleeping, watching a movie, and that concludes the plan. 

I picked up the mail right before leaving for the airport so that I could spend this time writing. I opened the envelope and read it in my mind:

Why Hello There Robin,

I did not greet in French this time because the only words that I know are bonjour and fromage. Hello and cheese. But I think that that is enough to survive in France. I will make sure to check out that playlist because I am very excited to hear it. But also, I might need some advise. So my friend showed me this person and said that we would be good together. But, there is already a person that I'm talking to that only one of the friends knows about. Except there are some complications to both of them. One I would have talked to before but it was a bit award and weird because of the topic and thing that was brought up. And I'm pretty sure that they already have someone else. The other I already talk to and our conversations seem pretty steady, but we haven't met person. Do you have an idea of what I should do? Also if you don't that is totally okay, and I get if you don't want to because you like barely know me and I'm asking you for romance advise and that might be a bit weird I totally get it.

BRB Learning Some New French,

Sir Nicholas Hurlbutt


I got out my pencil and paper and went to town:

Salute to you, Sir Hurlbutt,

I see we chat again. At the moment I am writing this on a plane because I am on my way home from vacation. So the post office will get this in 10 hours. Love that. But to help out with your love life problems I think that you should maybe talk to the person that you've met and make more a friendship, and if it leads to more then it leads to more and that's that. But also, you could continue your friendship with the person that you haven't met and maybe that will grow into something more. Or you could meet in person and one day you have a thirty year old man who lives in his mothers basement at your door. Choose your adventure. I hope that my advise helped, good luck. On my vacation my fam went to one of the Canary islands. One of the days I tried some new food that was so good. I also went on public transportation for the first time in five years and it reminded me of why I don't use it. Another day my family went to a big water park and I felt like I almost died and came back alive four times. .On the final day, I went to a beach and went on a speed boat around an island. The pool at the resort that my family was staying at was so cool. It had a clear glass roof so you could see the stars at night and it had so many plants so it smelt so fresh. Looking back there wasn't really much going on, so that was relaxing (also that's the whole point of a vacation). That was the end of my story for today, I hope that all goes well with your love life. 

Oui Oui,



I felt that that was good but it was a big longer than the other normal letters. However, there were a couple topics to talk about this day, so I guess that changes some things. A part of the plan for when getting home is to send this mail in the express mail so that Nick gets it before Valentines day. But talking to him makes me really happy, so maybe I'll send every letter in express so that the wait won't be so long till the next speaking time.

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