Schnappter Five

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Noah's POV:

The next morning we only had scenes in the evening so we still had a bit of time to relax. Surprisingly Finn and I were the first two people in the house to wake up, so we decided to go out to get breakfast.

"Do you remember yesterday when Sadie was talking about One Direction?" He asked, when we were sitting down in a booth and waiting for our food.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Well I did some searching..."


"One of their kids are our age."


"Yeah, and she's pretty cute."

"Woah, woah, woah, you are not allowed to call anyone other than Millie cute, because you obviously have feelings for Millie and you two would be great together."

"I guess I might... but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me like that."

"Dude. Are you hearing yourself? Of course she likes you! She giggles around you, you two look into each other's eyes all dreamy like, and the way that you two talk about each other is... something else."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay, well then what should I do?"

"Ask her out!"

"When, I don't know, when ever you feel like it's the right time to."

"Okay, I'll consider it."


After a couple more minutes a waiter came to our table and we ordered our food.

"Anyway, back to what I was originally saying, Harry and Louis have a daughter around your age and I think that you would like her a lot." Finn said.

"Okay, tell me more about her."

"Her name's Romedia, she's turning 16 in May, she lives in New York, she's in a band, she does a bit of acting, she plays the ukulele, and she plays basketball. That's all I found. We could also look through her Instagram."

"Okay, show me, please."


Finn took out his phone and showed me Romedia's account and it showed that she had a story so I clicked on it.

Finn took out his phone and showed me Romedia's account and it showed that she had a story so I clicked on it

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Hello kitty. Nice message.



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