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* "double digits :) " *



The time was 5:45 when I last checked my watch. I had just completed another checkup on another ice skating accident. The majority of these injuries ended up with arms in slings or ice packs and braces on the ankles.

Of course a grand part of me was glad that most of the accidents that occurred today weren't serious, but just a tiny, minuscule portion of me was bummed I didn't witness any blood or necessary stitches today. I applied to the job because I liked the adrenaline of not knowing what's coming in and partially helping in serious conditions.

Most of these ice skating injuries could be solved at an urgent care.

Would I actually enjoy caring for Harry? He's healing. This thought roamed in my mind whenever I had leisure time, when I wasn't busy. I'd signed up for exactly the opposite of what I wanted in the first place, maybe I'm just comfortable with the adrenaline rush of an emergency room.

It's okay to get out your comfort zone, it's how we grow, how we experience change, and change is good.

There's a possibility the sound of screaming fans in any sort of arena brought the same rush.

With this whole tour thing, there'd be planes, which was only another worry of mine. My minor fear of flying in mid air would definitely send a quick blood rush to my head feeding my already overthinking mind. If I fainted once the plane started moving, I could just pass as a quick sleeper and nobody would suspect a thing.

I want to work alongside Harry and everyone else, it is not like I don't. I just have endless doubts it seems, well actually it might just be less than a handful, I just need to calm down. Maybe I just need to go home and talk to —

"Robin?", I looked towards the person who cut me off my ranting of thoughts, Janet stood at the door of my office, making her way over to my desk. I took her as a sign to stop thinking so much.

"Hi", I answered her sweetly as she placed a small goodie bag that smelt of peppermint and chocolate in front of me. I looked at the little note card she attached to it.

Merry Christmas!

- Janet

This small gesture seemed to ease me a bit. One of the better parts of my day.

"I'm heading out of town, figured I'd stop by to see you", the indigo strap of her purse fell of her shoulder as she took a seat.

"Thank you, it smells amazing. Surprised the charge nurse is letting you off early, christmas miracle", we laughed as we both knew the charge nurse tonight was no angel. She cared for her patients, but never her nurses. "Well I'm old Robin, and I have grandkids to fly to. Hopefully my flight isn't getting delayed, supposed to have pretty hard snow fall these next two days".

"Tell them I said merry Christmas and have a safe flight Janet. Let me know when you get there", she responded with an of course standing up from where she sat and gifting me a hug. "I need to go now, I'll see you soon Robin, have fun with that Harry of yours".

"You just had to bring him up", I rolled my eyes, I felt myself heat up a bit just from the second mention of his name. "Of course I did. Kind of a pretty boy, isn't he? You two are beautiful people, have some fun. Be nice to him, I want to see him more".

I suddenly saw the parallels between Ernie and Janet. Did they both yearn to see young love or something? Either that or this was a thing they could temporarily hold over my head and make jokes about.

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