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LOCATION: New York, New York

DESTINATION: Los Angeles, California

Decisions. They're always so hard to make. I realized that the many times I have labeled myself indecisive, it's just because I would consider all the outside factors of choices, and that's what made it harsh.

From places, restaurants, men, and shoes.

Speaking of shoes.

"Which one's should I get?", Timothee lifted his head which had been resting in the palms of his hands.

"Considering your dress covers your feet, choose something low, comfortable. It'll be kind of a long night", he stood up and walked next to me, looking at the aisle of heels and other dressy foot apparel, "just wear a pair of sandals".

I shrugged, it honestly was not the worst idea, "maybe some cute sandals".

"You know Violet's always told me that when she got married she would wear sandals under her dress", I shared with Timothee, he laughed.

"She's always said that".

After about thirty more minutes of wandering around, I picked out a simple pair of white platform heels, they were comfortable and the actual heel was about two inches so I wasn't worried about getting tired. Not to mention Timothee having me run up and down the aisle once or twice to see if I could go 'sport mode' in them.

Listen, he was not my first choice to go shoe shopping with okay. Violet had work today and he was my only other option.

Walking back to the apartment, I greet Roxy at the door as she does excited circles which makes Timothee laugh. He picks up Roxy and scratches her head.

I bring my carry on from the bedroom and leave it by the door. Considering I would only be in Los Angeles for an extra day or two there was no point for me to bring a huge luggage. I was crossing my fingers a pair of jeans and a couple tops would last me, if anything I'm staying with Timothee so I could borrow a shirt or two.

Rewatching School of Rock with Timothee for what feels like the millionth time together, I got up to get water, my phone going off in the kitchen. Putting the cups down, I read the screen. Suddenly I'm grateful I puts my cups down first, otherwise they'd be shattered against the hardwood floor.


Tapping my fingers against the marble countertop in the middle of decisions, I sigh and pick up the phone. I keep my voice down in hopes Timothee doesn't hear, he's been a little over protective since the whole thing.

"Hi Mitch".

"Where are you?", he asks, his voice muffled as if he's eating something. In the background theres Sarah who's probably yelling so I can hear her, "he just wants to know what's going on between you and Timothee so he can gossip to Harry!".

"Baaabe", Mitch drags out as Sarah exposes him and I could not express how grateful I am for her.  Throughout everything, Sarah's really been the only one I can spill everything to and not be afraid she'll tell Mitch or Harry.

"Okay well tell her I said hi, and whether I'm on speaker or not, there's nothing going on. Now go gossip to your boss".

"Yeah well he's not here to gossip to".

I furrowed my eyebrows, my body beginning to feel hot everywhere, "Um where is he?". At this point I should add 'acting confused' to my résumé.

"On a plane somewhere. He didn't tell anyone where he was headed though, he just kind of up and left".

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