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Sorry the first couple chapters are short, I'm just introducing the characters!!

night of injury.


"Mommy mommy look a blue bike!", the voice of a little boy rung through my ears. "Jack wait!", a woman's voice screeched.

"Harry, watch out!".

Suddenly I became a deer in headlights.


With my head pounding and a ringing in my ears I can only vaguely hear the distinct noises of sirens. I feel bruised throughout my entire body and my arm is limp. My eyelids fluttered open, my vision is slightly impaired, I was seeing double of everything. The only clear thing I could see is the face right in front me.

"Hi Mitchie". I look up parts of the sky that aren't completely covered by Mitch, not feeling in control of my own vision, clouds and lights from endless buildings shielding any sort of gleam from the stars above me.

"Harry they're almost here, I don't know what to do, just don't move", what a state of panic Mitch is in. Is there anything to worry about? I don't remember anything before now.

"I think I'm fine", a laugh escaping my lips. Mental note to never drink again. I can't even tell where I was or my surroundings, is this how babies feel? Can't do anything. Don't know where they are.

Mitch, slightly blurry, is still peering down at me as I move my arm to touch his hair. A lightning bolt of pain shot through forearm, I brought it closer to my face. The more I paid attention to the feeling I could now feel and see the wetness making a trail down my arm. Blood.


The sudden founding of my injury made me faint, maybe if I just closed my eyes it help me pretend it never happened, it's not there.

"Stay awake Harry".

Next thing I know is waking up to the smell of rubbing alcohol, eucalyptus with a hint of mint, and a pretty woman with the name of a bird.

How funny, I do like birds.




Ah, yes. The classic hospital "sleepover".

I sat in my office eating a sandwich that the hospital provides for patients that is not meant to be a midnight snack. The flow of patients tonight wasn't steady which meant I had a lot more availability to myself in the hospital, although I had no thought as to what to do with my leisure time. Discarding the sandwich wrap, I headed towards the east wing of the hospital, closing the door to my office behind me.

The name Harry Styles rang a bell when I read over papers of his information, I definitely knew people who are die hard fans. I wasn't gawking over Harry due to the fact as he is simply another patient of mine and a human being in need of care.

A normal person, with an abnormal job.

I knocked on the door, no response. Hopefully with everything in decent condition I opened the door meeting eyes once again, except this time one of us had red scleras and is high off hard drugs.

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