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something we've all been waiting for..I hope. enjoy!!


LOCATION: New York, New York


"You're finally free!", Violet shouts as we exit the hospital, carrying boxes with my degrees and other belongings that were in my office to my car. The last of my career at Lenox Hill is all packed away, I am officially done working here.

A bittersweet feeling.

After everything with Ernie going into work became uncomfortable and I hated being alone in my office. I would eat lunch with Janet at her desk and painstakingly counted down the hours until I could go home. I think I used so much of my PTO until I finally came to a decision to quit.

I found a job somewhere else, rather quickly too. I didn't even need to have an interview, so who actually knows how reliable that is. The main thing is I was already working here.

"Free from the hospital, not from being a doctor", Violet sits in the passenger seat with a box in her lap as I drive back to my apartment.

"But at least you'll be traveling, and technically your only patients are everyone in the band".

As much as I will miss the rush of the hospital, there is always an adrenaline rush from a show. Plus I could donate most of my scrubs, I won't really be needing those anymore. My uniform will now only consist of more denim jeans and platforms.

Not that it took much convincing to quit and decide to work for Harry permanently, there were several long and tiresome conversations about this career move. Along with this career move comes stressors about housing and everything that shifts, Harry has been an immense help in the process.

This is a new chapter, one with much less grief and better beginnings and ends. Harry has been in the studio more than usual, but as far as I know there isn't a new album in the process. Since tour has ended, Harry just wants to be in the studio for fun and see if something comes out of it.

We have made a routine living 'together', which is basically Harry staying over every night and doing the dishes while I would go to work. Tonight's different it seems though, I will be the one waiting for him to get back.

Roxy has become accustomed to everything changing as well. Harry and I went out to buy her a bed and dog food, since then all she is, is pampered by everyone. Two nights ago, Mitch and Sarah volunteered to take care of Roxy because Harry wanted to take me out somewhere.

I pull into a parking spot of the apartment complex, Violet and I taking out the two boxes of my previous office belongings. Walking down the hallway to my door, Violet bumps my shoulder.

"Lover boy sent you something", she smiled as I unlocked the door to my apartment, setting the box down inside and grabbing the bouquet of tulips, a note taped to the glass vase that held the flowers.

I'm sorry if I'm in late tonight, there
is good stuff happening all around.
Don't wait up mi fiore. You
are my favorite flower.

- H xx

My heart swoons turning to Violet whose smiling down at her phone, quickly putting it away as she sees me.

"Don't stop because of me, I don't want to see your dirty conversations with Jeff".

"I- yeah", Violet tucks a hair behind her ear as I begin to pull out trinkets and papers from one of the boxes. Violet begins to do the same, gently setting down a frame with a picture of Harry and I in it. I smile at the picture.

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