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MARCH 2022.


LOCATION: London, United Kingdom
DESTINATION: New York, New York

Things are just about getting chaotic. Life has been somewhat calm these past few months, picking up tour last year, filming for movies, and the making of Pleasing.

Key word there is somewhat.

It all feels surreal.

Not to mention my third album dropping in May. The making of it all took up most of the time, even during tour, my off days were in the studio or sometimes spent writing down lyrics.

Safe to say that also while things have felt a bit still, I have been incredibly busy. There is no denying that.

My biggest stressor at the moment apart from my job of being on stage is finding a home to get back to once I get off of it. Once Jeff had convinced Violet to move in to his own place in New York, big enough for them, it had me thinking of the same place I had temporarily moved into.

There isn't anything wrong with it. The vicinity just doesn't exactly feel like me, hardly anything of mine is there besides a toothbrush and my clothes. I think it would be nice to have a comfortable shared space, where it doesn't feel like I'm intruding or over filling the once neat closet.

Despite how long I've stayed in the apartment I get insecure about it sometimes. I shouldn't be, and I know this, I just feel as I have caused so much change, the one place that felt too sacred to alter was the home.

In this case, Anna's apartment.

My move in didn't seem to affect her much, she's reassured me she enjoys being together like this, especially because of how much time slips away in the day when I'm in the studio.

She's told me many times that I am free to add things around the apartment so it feels more like me, but I just can't do that. I can't voluntarily let myself remove her things and put them into the small storage closet, she's worked hard for everything she has in this apartment.

Plus I look forward to the day we buy our first piece of furniture together.

I know I made the right decision, not just in terms of moving in, but with her. Anna makes life seem more thrilling and comforting. I enjoy coming back to her at the end of the day, her and Roxy both waiting on me.

Having Anna work for me hasn't affected our relationship, it calms me to know that if something were to go wrong she would be right there to help. We've talked about how public our relationship has gotten, especially within its first few months.

This was an adjustment.

Fortunately, we're both pretty closed books when it comes to questions about us. It's something we can hold onto and appreciate so much more, it's real and at the end of the day there's no one else. Just us. Our love is something that can belong to us alone.

And Roxy, but she isn't human and adds so much more to Anna and I's lives.

My words don't express my thoughts very well, but meeting Anna changed everything. I adore her and I am better because of what I've learned, what I am still learning from her. From us.

It was a new sensation for me, wanting her so badly I felt her in my dreams. I have never pined for anybody like I have for her. I found it hard to take my eyes off of her whenever she was around, and even now, she is still one of the most beautiful humans I have ever seen.

There is never a moment in which I do not adore her.

Love is perplexing and exhilarating, and characterized by so many things I try to figure out. I kind of gave up on the idea of it, afraid to grow alongside someone, but then we crossed paths.

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