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LOCATION: The Bahamas


The past few days have been so peaceful and warm. It's such a different environment than what I got accustomed to recently. The large arenas and forums, platforms boots, and boas, whereas here is linen fabric, shorts, and flip flops.

Not that I don't love my job, I love everything about it, the best parts of it just have nothing to do with being a doctor.

Seeing the happiness on everyone's face, despite some tears here and there, but who wouldn't cry to Fine Line? Plus seeing Harry getting to do one of his favorite things around the world isn't too bad either.

I just think this is what I needed, just a little vacation with my little family. Plus I think my seasonal depression was really getting to me when I just decided to never leave the couch and kept rewatching movies in my robe.

Harry never said anything, but here we are, so he definitely noticed.

Sundresses and tan skin.

I couldn't think Harry could want to touch me much more, but being in a bikini or a one piece seemed to really trigger something in him. Prior to this I never wore this type of stuff around Harry, granted we didn't get to see many beaches back home, but I think he became accustomed to my robe and yoga pants, it somehow still got him hot and bothered though.

But no one's really complaining here.

Overall though, something I truly feel is taken care of. I spent so much of my life devoting my life to others, I had little time for myself and despite Harry being one of the busiest people I know, he makes time for me.

Harry makes me feel worth it.

For the longest time, before all of this, I struggled with feeling worthy. Once my mom left, and I only had my dad who ended up leaving me with my grandma. Eventually I left and started school, mentally struggling and having imposter syndrome what felt like everyday. Having all that happen made me feel worthless, as if I wasn't worth staying for.

But Harry has made it all slowly go away.

I'd wake up next to him and become unbearably aware of how I probably looked to which he only said it was good and loves me even more, that what I think are my imperfections is all lovable. It feels good to love me.

"Love!", Harry calls as he enters the house, sweat dripping down his forehead post run.

"I'm outside", I yell back from the mesh door leading outside. Not only have I been loving just being by the beach, but Roxy seems to be fond of it as well, especially when we decided to play reggae music and cook outside.

Makes me happy to know she is happy. I don't care what anyone says, a pet is your child.

"Morning", Harry takes off his sunglasses as he walks in the sand over to me laying under some shade, kissing me on the forehead as I rub his calf.

"Hi, drink some water, and take a cold shower, it'll be good for your muscles".

"Yes doctor", Harry huffs, he kisses me again before going in to rinse off, but not before popping his head out, "also I made dinner reservations. We'll leave at around 6, okay?".

"I - okay".

Sometimes I struggle to agree with Harry, not that I ever really oppose his ideas, I'm just not impulsive.

These past couple days we've opted for whatever Harry has bought from a few grocery trips. He has asked me a couple times about a date, to which I've just denied because coming here and experiencing all this with him is more than enough.

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