Sin City-Ski Mask

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*The place you live in this imagine will be referred to as sin city because Ski's new mixtape is called that and it is the inspiration for the imagine(A little bit).

Section 1: The Journey to Neon Gallow

A loud sigh escaped your lips as you watched the rain lightly stain the window you looked out of. You were going out tonight alone and you wanted to scan the street before you left, you often couldn't leave the house due to the stuff going on out there it was crazy but as a journalist,  the city was all you needed so many stories to write you felt like never leaving but safety was not granted. The streets seemed fine so you turned to leave your rather nice apartment and head to your favorite night club The Neon Gallow, it was where the upper-class residents of Sin City hangout which caused a divide in the City but it wasn't like the higher-ups were good people half of them were responsible for the crime happening.

Once you arrived you skipped the line and the bouncer let you in with no hesitation one of the perks of being a well-known journalist in the city, your heels clacked against the tile like flooring in the hallway into the club once you got in you thought of where you'd spend the night; the first floor where they partied like the night was their last, the second floor which was reserved for gambling and crimelords of the city to do their business, or the third floor where classical music and expensive food and drinks were plentiful and only the rich and respectable lounged it was a hard decision to make all three floors were fun to be on but you did need information on what was happening on the streets of Sin City so you walked through the rich and upper-middle-class young adults dancing, drinking, and doing all types of weird activities on the dance floor to the elevator all you could think was;

I should have come earlier then I wouldn't have to walk through this sweaty crowd.

Section 2: Champagne and Casino Tokens 

You pressed the elevator button for the second floor and waited to reach your destination, The second floor which had all the dangerous people up there, it didn't surprise you that the men on that floor ignored you when you went on that floor they thaught you were just another girl looking to get at them but that was good for you it allowed you to blend in and listen as much as you would like.

The elevator doors opened to reveal the men and woman on the floor enjoying their night some gambling and others talking about important business towards the back same as always, you step out and head to your usual spot where you pulled out a small notepad and ordered a glass of champagne and a small salad while waiting you overheard the well known Ski Mask receiving a briefing on some crime-related job he sent someone to do you listened intensively and wrote down everything they said fo your next article, of course, this had already happened but now you can write about who did it and have evidence to back up such a claim but what you heard next was shocking.

"you champagne and-" the waiter said before you cut him off"yes put them down just go" you urged him since you just heard ski mask say something about Sams Deli the story you've been following for six months trying to piece together of what really happened.

Back Story:

Sams Deli was a front for many things sold between gangs to the front for whatever they needed it for where the real story was the fact that the police got a tip that expensive paintings, jewelry, and money that had been stolen were in the deli when the police took this seriously since many robberies had been happening lately they decided to go check before they could even get close to the deli it caught fire randomly causing there to be no search and when law enforcement looked for the items nothing was found most things were gone so it was a dead-end for them but many people theorized on the fact that the fire wasn't random and the gangs who had been in charge of the deli already knew and saved the valuables and set the deli on fire leaving no chance of anything being found.

End of Backstory:

The guy speaking to Ski gave out some info on losing a painting from there Which confirmed that at least there were paintings there that didn't belong to them, he spoke of another gang having something to do with it, after fifteen minutes you got all of the information you needed and got up to leave, on your way out you paid for the champagne and salad that you barely touched and headed home.

as you walk through the rain-stained streets you heard footsteps behind you and they were getting awfully close so you turned around once you saw who it was you could already imagine the amount of trouble you were in.



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