Chapter 3

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I woke up at the same time as yesterday and texted my friends to Skype call them. They happily agreed and I called them as soon as possible to tell them about my interaction with Abbey and Summa yesterday. 'Guy, I have met the two most beautiful girls ever!' "Really what are their names?" asked Sam. 'There names are Abbey and Summa.' Wow Summa is an unique name, are they both really hot? Do you have a picture of them? If you have one can I have the other?" Asked Jake repeatedly. 'Dude calm down, yes they are both hot, not i don't have photos of them and maybe, ill think about it. Plus you live so far away.' "Jake you don't need the other one you already have a girlfriend! The other one is mine!" said Sam Sternly. "Hey, I was planing to dump Sarah anyway, plus I'll fight ya for the other one!" Jake said raising his voice "Oh yeah ok lets go mate come on!" said Sam basically yelling. 'Guys stop! 1. It is 8 in the morning where you are so calm down. 2. You both live on the other side of the world and finally... Well actually I don't have another point but just stop it.' "Sorry man." They both said at the same time. 'It cool dudes but I've got to go now talk later. BYE!' "BYYYYE!" They were gone and now I had nothing to do so I created a group chat with Summa and Abbey to see if they wanted to do something today.

Group Chat (S-Summa, A-Abbey and H-Hayes)
H- Hey
S- Hello, Wats up :)
H- Was just wondering is you guys wanted to do something today?
A- Well Summa and I are just about to go to the movies to see Lets be Cops, Would you like to join us?
S- We can pick you up if you wanted
H- I've wanted to see that movie for awhile, Its alright I can get dropped off. What time is the movie?
S- In like half an hour
H- Oh ok see ya soon, Bye
A- Bye
S- Cya

Abbey's POV
OMG Hayes is coming to the movies with us. Wow he must be really bored to hang out with us because Summa and I were be absolute spastics yesterday, well we were being ourselves but still. I'm surprised that he didn't call the nut house to put us there. Haha imagine if he did that. Omg I've got to tell Summa what I just thought haha.

A- Summa, OMG I just thought of the funniest thing ever.
S- What....?
A- You know how we were being absolute spastics yesterday?
S- Yeah, I was there ;)
A- Yeah, anyway. Imagine if Hayes put us in the nut house for the way we were acting.
S- Hahahaha Lol I wouldn't be surprised. LMAO! I actually can't stop laughing, oh you made my day, actually no year.
A- Haha glad to make you year but we should get going.
S- oh yeah Shit OMW to get you now
A- Ok cya soon
S- I'm out the front now, Get your ass outside!

"Yo, Abbey hurry up!" Yelled Summa from her mums car. 'I'm coming, I'm coming. Geez calm your tits girl' "Sorry but I don't want to miss the movie, I've been looking forward to seeing it for so long." Said Summa Excitedly.

Hayes' POV
Wow! They both looked amazing, but both had really different styles. Abbey was dressed up a bit but then Summa was just casual, but not to casual. Man I think I'm falling for them but more towards Summa. She is just so laid back and doesn't care what people think. I have noticed something about her tho, she is always wearing a jumper or lots of bracelets. That could be her style but I think there is something she is hiding. After the movie we go down the street for a little bit and then just hung out at this park for a bit just talking and stuff. Abbey went off to the toilet at one point and I decided to confront her about her always covering her wrists. 'Hey Summa, how come you always wear long sleeves or bracelets?'

Summa's POV
Shit he's asking about my wrists. Shit did he see something. I'll just lie. 'Ummm, I'm just cold most of the time.' "But I can tell that you are really hot and that you want to take it off and when you do you have so many bracelets on. Is there something you wanna tell me, I'm here for you if you wanna talk." He said with sympathy. 'Please don't tell anyone!' Oh Shit, I didn't mean to say anything, dame now I'm gonna have to tell him, oh well here it goes. 'Ok well since I was in grade 5 I've been bullied by everyone except my really close friends and I had just had enough so it was my escape from everything. Please don't tell Abbey, I'm.. just not ready to tell... her.' I started to tear up and then all of a sudden I felt someone hugging me. "Summa, why would you do something like that to yourself. You are so beautiful and funny, you don't need to care about what they say." Hayes said still hugging me. He pulled up the sleeve to my jumper and looked at all the scars that I had, he traced each one with his finger. Then I saw a shadow above us and it was Abbey. She saw my scars and started tearing up. I couldn't get any words out then she just started hugging me and wouldn't let go. 'Abbey, Please say something.' I said crying

Abbey's POV
I didn't know what to say my best friend had been doing that to herself and hadn't told me. I can understand why tho so I had to say something but I just couldn't then she said "Abbey, Please say something." ' Summa, why didn't you tell me?' "I couldn't, I thought that I would be able to deal with it myself but I can't stop myself. I'm really, really sorry." She said pulling away from our hug. We realised that Hayes was still there and we pulled him into a hug and we then got our parents to pick us up. I was staying at Summa's house for the night and going to school with her tomorrow so we went to bed early. We woke up the next morning and got ready we decided to catch the bus today. We saw Hayes walking over to the bus stop so we called him over. He exchanged hello's and then the bus arrived. We got on the bus and headed to school. When we arrived Hayes asked us where the front office was and we showed him where it was and said that we would find him at lunch and recess to hang out. So we went and put our bags away and met up with our other friends Jess.C and Jess.M and we were just hanging around talking. Then the bell went and we all went our separate ways and went to our homerooms. We were all in different homerooms but are in the same class for the rest of our subjects.

Summa's POV
I was just casually playing on my phone in homeroom when I herd someone knock at the door and I looked up and it was the Principal and Hayes. "Good morning everyone this is Hayes Grier he will be in your homeroom from now on." She said guiding him to sit down. I Immediately called him over to sit next to me because I was a loner. I was talking to him for the whole time and then the bell went. He asked where 8 Purples class is and I told him to follow me because that was my class. I grabbed his wrists and guided him to our class room just so he didn't get lost in the swarm of people in the halls. When we arrived to where our bags were and Abbey, Jess.C and Jess.M were and Jess.C immediately let out a little scream and ran up and hugged him. I thought it was so funny and just apologised and told him that she was a big fan, he understood and just hugged her back which was really sweet. Jess.M just stood there not giving a crap and then we headed off to our first class. Hayes sat with us all day and then by the time it was home time I'm pretty sure that he knew every single person in yr 8 in one day. It took me a whole year to learn there names. Well the day is over and Abbey, Hayes and I went home on the bus. Most of the girls were staring at us and whispering. I knew that they were probably saying that Hayes was too hot to be hanging out with us, and other shit like that. I said bye to Abbey and then I herd someone behind me I turned around to see two girls walking towards me. They came up to me and stared talking shit about me, saying that I was to ugly to hang out with such a hot person like Hayes and that he was only hanging out with me because he felt sorry for me. I started crying and just spirited off and climbed my favourite tree that I always hangout at when I need to get away from everything. I herd someone coming towards the tree I hid between the leaves and saw that it was Hayes. I came out form behind the leaves and had to quickly put away the razor I have hidden in to tree. But I think that Hayes saw me put it away and he grabbed my hand with the razor in it and opened up my hand slowly. He gave me a look of disappointment and sadness. "I herd what those girls were saying. They are completely wrong, I'm hanging out with you because you are funny, beautiful and caring. They have no clue what they are talking about." He said while taking the blade from my hand and throwing it away.'You think I'm beautiful?' "Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be?" He asked with the cutest smile on his face that made me smile and blush a little. I didn't really answer him we just sat up in the tree and talked about his first day and what he was looking forward to this year and stuff like that. After what felt like forever of talking we got down from the tree. He went first and when I was getting down I slipped and he caught me, luckily. Then he put me down and I was blushing like an idiot and we said our good byes and he kissed me on the lips. OMG it was amazing, but I couldn't do that to Abbey and Jess.C they like him so much, but so do I. I don't know what to do. I think I should tell them, especially Abbey. So today was Tuesday I went to the bus stop and Hayes was there waiting. I walked over to him and we hugged, then I saw Abbey walking over so i went up and hugged her then we walked back over to Hayes and they gave each other a friendly hug. Then we waited for the bus and while we were waiting Hayes had some news.

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