Chapter 9

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Abbeys POV
We all fell asleep on the couch last night watching movies and eating pizza. I'm so scared right now. Not just because of those girls and if they would try and find us and bash us even more, but also I'm concerned for Summa. I've known her to react badly to stuff like this before. I think that I should keep an eye on her, just to be safe. Today was a pretty good day out side so all went down the river as well as looking down the street. When we were in cotton on and we saw the girls Summa and I quickly ducked behind some clothes and when they past we hurried to find Hayes and Matt and got out of there as quick as possible. Summa and I just kept walking, well speed walking and Hayes and Matt were struggling to keep up with us. We finally slowed down and Hayes and Matt had worried looks on there faces and just kept looking at us then back at each other, but they didn't say anything. We were almost at our spot where we always go to swim when they both stopped us and looked at us with worry in there eyes and confused faces. We both sighed, looked at each other and I gave a nod. Summa started explains that we saw the girls that bashed us and we got scared so we just took off. They said nothing and just hugged us. We went to our swimming spot and swam around until it started getting dark and decided to head home. It was a long walk home, Hayes and Matt ended up carrying Summa and I. Summa fell asleep so Matt carried her to bed and Hayes and I stayed in the living room and watched a movie.

Matts POV
I carried Summa to my room, changed her into her pjs and tucked her into bed. She looked so cutie while sleeping. I decided to have a shower and then go to bed. When I got out of the shower and got into bed Summa turned over to face me. She had tears in her eyes and she just buried her face into my chest. I felt so bad for her, non of this should be happening to her. I just hugged her tightly never wanting to let her go. She soon fell asleep. I was thirsty so I got up and got some water i got back to my room and just stood in the door way watching Summa she was adorable, but then I noticed something on her wrists. I walk closer and examined it better they were scars, mostly. Some new marks. I started to worry, I didn't want to wake Summa to question her about it so I went down stairs to talk to Hayes and Abbey. Luckily they were both still awake. 'Um guys what are those marks on Summa's wrists from?' I asked them already knowing the answer. "Hasn't she told you?" Abbey asked 'No she hasn't and there are a few new marks, just letting you know.' "Well Summa has had it tough and she used to self harm, but Abbey and I didn't know that she has recently done it." Hayes said with a worried face. "How recent do the cuts look?" Abbey ask with worry on her face, but we all herd foot steps coming down the stairs and stopped our conversation. "They are fairly recent." Summa said walking towards us. 'Why didn't you tell me?' I said looking at her with worry. "I didn't want you to think differently of me, and the new editions I was gonna tell you about, Abbey. But you were so scared that I didn't want to scare you anymore than you already were. You already had enough to worry about." She said with tears filling her eyes. I hated to know that she did this to herself. It killed me inside to know that she hated herself this much. I just walked up to her and hugged her. Lately I've hugged her so much but it's because I care for her so much. I love her and don't know what I would do without her. We were all pretty silent for a while and Summa broke the silence, "So who is up for an Maccas run? They are open 24hrs." We were all pretty hungry so I drove to Maccas and we all got some food and ice creams and then went to the closest park and sat on the swings and ate our Maccas at 2 in the morning. We got home and went to bed. I woke up early today for some reason and couldn't get to sleep so I went to make some breakfast and have a shower. When I got out of the shower Summa was still asleep so I went for a drive and I decided to get Summa some flowers. When I got home i went back to my room and Summa was still sleeping so I put them next to her with a note. Hopefully she would wake up soon and see them. I went down stairs and watched some tv. About 5mins later Summa came down stairs with the flowers and put them into a vase and put the on the kitchen bench and sat down next to me on the couch. "They are beautiful Matt, thank you!" She said kissing me. 'Your welcome. I wanted to get some beautiful flowers for the most beautiful person in the world.' "Aww that's so sweet." She said with the biggest smile on her face. I took her for a drive down the street to go shopping and have lunch. When we were having lunch Summa started to get really fidgety and weird. When I questioned her about it she look over behind me in horror. I was assuming that it was the girls that had harassed her and Abbey. The girls walk right over to our table and asked for pictures. I looked at Summa and she nodded so I took the pictures quickly and when I was taking them Summa got up and hurried to the bathroom. After the girls walked off I went to the bathroom to see if she was still there hiding out. I called out for her but no answer so I thought that she went back to the car. I paid for our food and went to the car but she wasn't there. I then got a call from Summa's phone. 'Hey, Summa where are you?' There was a long pause on the other end. 'Summa... Are you okay?' "Oh she is fine for now!" Said the strange but recognisable voice. 'What do you want? Where is Summa? What have you done with her?' "I want you Matt, Summa does not deserve to be with you! I will only tell you where she is if you do what I say. I haven't done anything to her... Yet. Haha" and then the person hung up. Oh no who ever it is has Summa. What will they do to her? I rushed home to tell Hayes and Abbey what had happened, but just as I went to get out of my car to go and tell them my phone rang it was Summa again. 'Hello?' "You better not be thinking of telling Hayes or Abbey what has happened, because they may end up in the same situation as Summa." 'What do you want me to do then?' "Meet me at the spot where you all swim at the river and we can talk." 'Okay but first I will only come if I can speak to Summa!' "Okay fine here she is ... Mmmatt ii is that you" 'omg Summa are you okay?' "Im fine... Just don't worry about me... Listen don't do anything they say, I dont matter, don't listen to them! ARR MATT............" 'SUMMA! SUMMA!' "Okay now that little miss blabber mouth has had her turn to talk it's my turn, you don't meet me at that spot where you swim in an hour we will kill Summa.. Okay, and don't think about telling anybody. Tell and she dies, don't show and she dies, try to be a hero and she dies. Your choice. One hour!" And the person hangs up again. Omg There gonna kill Summa. I can't go inside and tell Hayes or Abbey because they will kill her I can't not show because they'll kill. Okay I'll drive around for a bit and try and text Hayes and Abbey and then meet at the stupid swimming spot.
(group chat with Abbey, Hayes and Matt)
M- Guys Summa is in trouble I fear that those girls that bashed yous have her and they are gonna kill her if I don't show up to our swimming spot at the river, or if they see me trying to tell you, so try not to react to this text.
A- we have to do something, we can't let them kill her!
H- what do they want?
M- they won't tell me until I meet them at the spot
A- you can't go!
M- if I don't go they'll kill Summa and I can't let that happen.
H- we have got to think of a plan
M- there's no time, I've got to go to the swimming spot now. Talk later
A- Matt wait, don't we gotta help her.... We need to come up with a plan...
A-Matt! Answer me now!
I put my phone on sleep mode so it wouldn't vibrate or ring when talking with the girls so they would be alerted to Hayes and Abbey knowing about what is going on. I went to the spot and there was one of the girls I took a photo with earlier, I'm guessing the leader of her gang. 'Where is Summa!' "You will do as I say first! Then you may ask questions." 'Okay fine what do you want?' "I would like to be your girlfriend." 'Never in a million years!' "Oh but you see, you refuse and Summa may have to be punished." Two other girls drag Summa out from behind the trees. She is all bruised and cut up from them miss treating her. She looked straight at me with tears in her eyes. "Okay now, you come with us and she is set free and we will leave her alone you refuse and we kill her right here and now, right in front of you. What is your choice gonna be?" She said with a smirk on her face. Before I could say anything Summa got the cloth that was wrapped around her mouth off and said "Matt don't do what she says, she's gonna kill me anyway, just run leave me!" And all of a sudden the main girl pulls out a knife and holds it to her throat. 'Okay, okay I'll go with you just don't hurt her please. I'll do anything, just don't hurt her.' Summa just looked at me with tears streaming down her face. I could see the horror in her eyes and the fear that she knew what was coming to happen. "Okay Matt, let's go. Come here and of course they won't harm her." I started walking towards her and the two girls got Summa to her feet. "But of course.. I never said that I wouldn't." And all of a sudden she stabbed Summa in the stomach three times. Summa fell to the ground. I ran to her, putting my hands on the wounds. Trying to stop the bleeding. 'Im so sorry Summa, I'm so sorry...' I began to cry. I was watching her bleed out and there was nothing I could do. "...its oookay Mmaatt .... It's nnnot yyour fault. I'll bbe fiiine." She said struggling to speak. I was just crying I couldn't stop. I felt something to my throat. "Okay that's enough time to go. Get up.... Now!" The girl was forcing me to leave Summa here and let her die. I got up and walked away with her to her car. When we were leaving I saw Hayes and Abbey driving up to the spot. Hopefully they get Summa to the hospital as soon as possible. 'So where are we going?' "We are going to clean up and go out for dinner is that okay with you babe?" She said with a smirk. 'Um yeah.' We get to her house I guess and I head straight for a bathroom and clean the blood from my hands and get my phone and call the police. I tell them that I have been taken by a crazy girl that held a knife to my throat and took me to her house at 23 havefeild street Echuca. I tell them to hurry because she still has the knife. Then I call Hayes to check in with them. He doesn't answer and neither does Abbey. I try them a couple more times. I soon get a call from the police again saying that they are at the house and that I have to stay where I am until they come and find me. I hang up the phone and wait. After a while they come to where I was and escort me out of the house and I ask them to take me to the hospital because I think that my friends might be there. As soon as I get there I got to the reception desk and ask for Summa Taylor. "Sorry but I'm afraid that I have some terrible news. Not long after the ambulance got her to the hospital she died. I'm very sorry to tell you this." The lady said with a sad look on her face. As I turn around I see Hayes and Abbey with red eyes and tears streaming down there face. 'No, no, no that must have got it wrong. She can't be dead. She perfectly fine. Right guys she fine. Your just messing with me. Please tell me your messing with me. Please....' "Matt I'm so sorry... There wasn't anything they could do the injuries were to great for Summa to recover from. She had lost too much blood. We were too late... She's dea..." 'NO, NO, NO, NO, she's fine. Your lying! NO, no, no....' I could stop myself i completely burst into tears. I collapsed to the floor crying. I can't believe that she is dead. This can't be, she was the love of my life and now she is dead. No... I loved her and I need her. I need her. Abbey got down on the floor with me and cried too. We were all a complete mess. I got up and went outside. When I was walking there everything started to go blurry and then it all went black.... I woke up crying, in my own bed. I looked around and saw Summa there trying to calm me down. 'Summa! Your alive! Or am I dead? Are we in heaven?' "What are you talking about Matt? Of course I'm alive, no your not dead and no we are not in heaven. We are on earth, in your room, in Hayes house, in Echuca." She said smiling. 'So I didn't get you flowers? And take you to lunch?' "Nope but that would be nice if you had." 'And you didn't get taken by those bitches that beat you up? And they didn't want to be my girlfriend and they didn't stab you? And I didn't call the cops to arrest them?' "No non of that happened." 'And you didn't die from them stabbing you three times?' "Nope, I am very much alive. Matt are you sure your okay?" She said with a worried look on her face. 'Oh, I'm better than okay, I still get to see your beautiful face everyday and I will never let anything happen to you ever. That is a promise.' "Okay babe, you wanna go get something to eat?" 'Yeah sure, but first..' I suddenly kissed her it felt so good to do that. We kissed and kissed so passionately that I never wanted to stop, but we were really hungry so that was to be continued. After a very long day of hanging out with Summa, mainly making out. We went to bed and we were both asleep in seconds.

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