17. A Misunderstanding Part 2

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Luke's POV...

I walk into the studio after the little mini heart attack I just had. I'm stunned. I'm like a deer in headlights. Someone just kissed me that wasn't Julie. I didn't kiss back of course because I have a beautiful girlfriend that I never want to lose.

I see Julie crying on the couch with Alex and Reggie on either side of her hugging her.

I walk over to Julie.

"Julie, what's wrong." I ask.

"Get away from me." She snaps at me.

I back away, tripping over my feet. I've never seen her this broken. Was this because of me? What did I do? Did I say something wrong?

"Luke, get out. You shouldn't be around her right now. You caused this and you know what you did." Alex says to me.

"I really don't! What did I do?" I yell back genuinely confused.

"You know what you did, just go somewhere that is not here right now. You hurt Julie and now you are not welcome in this studio right now. Just give her some space, will you?" Reggie snaps back at me.

I know that they won't tell me what I did. And I have absolutely no idea what I could have done to hurt Julie that much. I sit in my room for a couple hours and just sob into my pillow. I pick up my phone and see a text message from the same unknown number that texted me earlier.

Hey, how is your
little girlfriend doing?

What the hell did you do!

I may or may not have
have texted her to
meet me at the same place
but that shouldn't matter
though, right?

Leave me and my
girlfriend alone!

I don't think I will.

That means that Julie saw that demon kissing me. I didn't even kiss back! I have to find a way to explain to Julie that it wasn't my fault. I don't know how though, I can't even go near her without getting yelled at. I need to get to Reggie and Alex first.

I walk to the studio and ask if I can talk to Reg and Alex for a quick minute.

"Why would we talk to you?" They both say.

"Please, just hear me out." I say quietly, with puffy eyes, I think they can tell that I've been crying.

"The girl kissed me, I didn't even know who she was and turns out she is Caleb's daughter and she is trying to interfere with Julie and I's relationship. She said so herself. Please guys you gotta get Julie to forgive me, I promise, I didn't even kiss back!" I say in one breath.

The guys look at me curiously.

"You think we will believe that?" Alex says.

"Ugh! Let me go get the proof, I would think that I didn't need it after knowing each other so long but nooo you just have to not trust me." I say on my way to go get my phone.

"Ugh, just go get the proof..." Reggie says.

I go to get the phone from my bedroom and bring it back to the studio.

"Here." I say.

"Look at these texts I got from the girl, Ella, I think her name was." I say, handing them the phone.

"Holy crap, you weren't lying. This girl is determined." Alex says.

"I told you! Now you have to help me get my Julie back! I can't deal with her being angry at me when it wasn't even my fault." I say, begging.

"Okay, we'll help you." Reggie says.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yell hugging both of them a little too tightly.

They go and talk to Julie and they show her the proof and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. She run over to me and just hugs me. I'm kind of shocked, but I hug her back and kiss her hair.

"I'm really sorry, Luke. I should have known that you would never do that to me. I'm so stupid!" She says.

"You're not stupid! If I saw you kissing another guy I would probably freak out too." I say.

We just hug for a couple moments.

"We have to get back at this Ella girl." She says.

"Agreed." I say.

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