32. A Walk in the Park

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1 month later...

Alex, Willie, Flynn, and Reggie offered to babysit the quads while Julie and I had some alone time. So we chose to take Nova to the park, since she hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately.

"Are you sure? They are very cranky at night though." I say, walking out the door.

"We're sure, Luke. Now you two go and relax!" Flynn says, pushing us out of the door.

"She's so pushy, literally, but I love her." Julie says, walking beside me, Nova not far ahead of us.

"Yeah, she's great. But, she and Reggie need some alone time too. They're always helping us with the quads."

"Yeah, we should give them a day off. Let's get them invitations to a restaurant." Julie says.

"Yeah, we should give Alex and Willie a break too, they've been helping just as much."

"We could plan a double date for them!" Julie says, suddenly very excited.

I laugh and pull her closer to me, she leans her head on my shoulder as we walk in the park.

We drop Nova off at the fenced in area at the park for dogs.

Then we walk to the swing set. Don't judge us, we are children at heart.

"One day, we'll be pushing our kids on this swing set." Julie says, gesturing to the old, worn out swing set we were currently sitting at.

"Yeah, they'll love it here."

We just swing in a comfortable silence, listening to the crickets chirp and the leaves on the trees sway in the wind. It's getting darker and colder. So we decide to go pick up Nova.

We start walking home, not talking or anything, just enjoying the silence and each other's company.

We walk in the door, and we see Alex and Willie cuddled on one side of the couch. And Reggie and Flynn cuddled on the other side.

We check the nursery and see 4 sleeping babies.

"Guess we can just go to bed now." I whisper.

"Yeah, they made our job easy tonight." Julie whispers back.

We go in the nursery and kiss each of the babies' foreheads, turn the baby monitor on, switch the night light on, and close the baby gate so Nova can't wander in.

We get ready for bed, and then look at our friend for a moment.

"So peaceful." I say, laughing quietly.

"Yeah, I'm so thankful that I listened to that demo. Or else I never would have even known you guys existed." Julie replies.

I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to my side and press a kiss to her head.

"I'm thankful too, Jules."

"Now time for bed or else you know how cranky I can get." She says, quickly hurrying to our room to get ready for bed.

I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water, then head upstairs after turning off the kitchen lights.

I climb into bed next to Julie.

"Goodnight Jules."

"Goodnight Mr. No Sleeves."

I laugh quietly and kiss her cheek, then slowly drift off to sleep.

This one was a lot shorter than what I normally do, but it was just a filler chapter because I didn't really know what to write. So leave me any ideas that you want me to add and I'll try my best to match them. I'm seriously stuck. I'm definitely going to do the Willex and Relynn double date next chapter, but after that, I can add in any ideas you have.

Liz <3

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