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"Miss!" Nicole yells as I kicked the soccer ball towards the net. "Nicole! Why'd you do that?" I asked when I missed. "I got bored. Not like you'd make it anyways." She says and goes back to her phone. I picked up the ball and threw it at a tree angrily. Then out of all things the ball bounced off the tree and landed on broken glass. It just pissed me off even more. "Are you kidding me!" I yelled. "What's happened?" I heard Ms Greene ask. She was on the phone with Nic. When we got to this park Nicole decided to call her so we could talk. "She just popped someone's ball." Nic told her. "No I didn't. The tree did." I said as I sat beside her. Grabbing my bottle and taking a sip of water.

"Ok so back to the problem. When you two got home and your mom confronted you did you argue back Y/n?" Ms Greene asked. "Why you assume it's me?" I asked. "Because I know you Y/n. You don't know how to listen." She says. "I told her why we was late. There's nothing wrong with that. She was mad but we were clearly fine." I tell her. "Really? Y/n it was late at night and anything could've happened to you. She's probably not used to you two actually being home. She could've been thinking of the worst scenarios." I sighed knowing Ms Greene was right as usual. "What did I tell you about opening up?" She asked me. "I know. Talk about my feelings more and to call you if I need to talk." I tell her. "Do you really cause you haven't. I need you to try harder Y/n. Nicole you too. I want to hear from both of you." She tells us and we nod.

"Yes ma'am." We say. "Alright... we'll I gotta go now. Love y'all." She says. "Love you too." Once she hung up we jumped in surprise at the voice behind us. "You know she's right." We looked back to see Lauren sitting behind us on the other side of the picnic table. I rolled my eyes and started scrolling through my phone. "Of course you tracked us done." I said annoyed.
"You did kinda sneak out of the house. Dad wanted to speak to you two." Lauren says. "I don't want to talk. And we were coming back. Don't worry we're watching the time too." I tell her.

"Relax... I just didn't want anything to happen to you two." She says. "We didn't mean to make anyone mad. It's just hard adjusting to a new life." Nic says. "I know it is. But that's why y'all have to trust us." Lauren says. "Easy for you to say. Your tell two kids who's only pain to trust. Yeah right." I say and scoff. "I'm not saying it's easy but at least try. Ever since you've been here Y/n your always on defense mode. Especially when it comes to Nic. Not that it's a bad thing but you don't have to. And Nic is really quiet. She's more open than you but still not much. We want to create a safe space for you two but how can we when you don't give a the chance to." Lauren says.

Ok yeah maybe I'm being hard on them but can you blame me. "I'm trying... but you gotta give me time. 16 years of abuse is all I know. It took us a while to even tell Olivia and her mom about it." Nicole tells her. "That's really all we ask. Y/n?" Lauren looks at me asking if I'd do the same. "Just take me home."

A/n~hi😛 how's life?🤓


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