chapter 3||BLOOMING||

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Years passed like a blink of an eye, six long years passed by now, as it felt like it was just yesterday when the kingdom of Panchal blessed with their divine Prince and Princess.

The little princess of Panchal blinked her eyes slowly as the rays of sunlight Peep through the curtains of the window reaching towards as her.

As she got up and streached herself mumbling "Mmm....again that dream but I love it" She giggled with her still sleepy eyes, she looked near the pillow there was an hibiscus with her as always she loved to keep it with her especially when she slept, like it was some doll girls of her age usually kept while they slept, as she looked at her surrounding to realise that her elder sister wasn't there her blackish brown eyes turned at other side as she looked at her brother who was sleeping on his stomach, one side of his face resting on the bed made his lips pout unintentionally, she could here him snoring a bit.

She slowly went near him then his ear and shouted at the top of her lungs "Bhrata!!!" Drishtdyumn blinked his eyelids open with a jerk in shock as before he could realise he turned and eventually fall on the floor as he was sleeping at the at edge of the bed.

"AHH!!" He whimpered in pain, as he got up glaring his sister who was giggling clapping her little palms doubling his anger "Drau!!" He ground as she gulped and said "Shh" she hissed putting her index finger on her lip, as she went on "Drish, don't forget he is still sleeping" she said pointing towards their little brother Satyajit sleeping soundly on another bed surely guard with pillows so he didn't fall or get hurt due to mischiefs of his elder siblings.

"And what about you shouting?huh?" He asked glaring as she gave him a pleading fake but didn't work, she ran "Wait you!!" He warned but in vain as they across the chamber till they felt tired "Enough!" Draupadi huffing for air as she laid on the bed taking deep breaths "Can't you live without teasing me huh? That too when I was sleeping don't you feel little for your brother" he whined but she looked at him innocently as he narrowed her eyes turned towards other side.

Draupadi slowly called "Drish!!" But he didn't listen "No way I am talking to you again, NO WAY!" he said crossing his little arms around his chest she again called "Drish!!"he again ignored.

"Dr..ish" She called again this time her voice broke and she chocked made him look at her atlast her eyes turned moist as he sighed "Now crying!!! Why!?" He said as her bottom lip wobbled and she gulped and started crying made him gulped "No no no!!" He said but she didn't " Okay okay I am sorry now stop crying please Drau" he said affectionately in his child like voice, as he wiped her tears and wrapped his arms around her "What's the point of crying for such a small thing and that too you were the one who started" he said glaring mockly as she pouted her lips "Not again I don't want to get scolded by Pitashree for making you " he said , she giggled "See he loves me more" she said giggling as she squeled in joy "ofcourse" he replied rolling his eye balls.

"Drish" she called as he looked at her shaking his head in questioning look "Yes?" She grinned and say I want to there Drishtdyumn frowned "Where?" As smiled sheepishly "Those mountain,forest, lakes I dream of every night but I never saw these scenes in real I never saw even not such dense forest ever, so I want to go" Drishtdyumn sighed as grimaced before wrapping the quilt around him and lay on the bed again as he replied "Then do one thing go there and live their, you belong to there after all you yourself is no less then a wild cat" Draupadi hit him hard with her fist on his shoulder  "Ouch Drau it's hurt don't "Hr whined cringing his face.

"I haven't completed yet listen!!" She commanded as Drishtdyumn couldn't help getting up again hugging pillow close his chest resting his chin on the top of the pillow "I saw some people there" she said "Who ? He asked raising his eye brows" "Five boys they all were elder then me" She said as he frowned "Five boys?" She nodded her head in postive "They all were playing with me, between those beautiful mountainous forest" She said with a dreamy expression her face.

"How they look?"he asked curiously "I don't know" she replied with a sheepish smile on her face "But you said you have seen them playing with you, but you don't know how they" he asked raising his eyebrows "I don't know, I don't have my control on dreams" she pouted her lips as he rolled his eyes.

"Drish" she called as he looked at her "Will you tell pitashree that we want to visit there" she said making a pleading look "No no no" he shook his head violently as he went on "why me? I don't  want to go there why don't you tell him" Draupadi made a pleading look "Please Drish please please please" she said making a sad voice as he huffed and said "Ok fine I will ask" he said as she giggled wrapping her arms around her brother in excitement.

They heard the audible sound of yawning as they found their little brother getting up from sleep, as he stretched himself on bed as he looked at them giggling "Jiji!" He called giggling as Draupadi giggled back coming near him wrapping her arms around him and pressed her lips on his cheek, doubling his giggles.

"Seems like someone forgot me" Drishtadyumn said pouting his lips "Yes" he replied giggling as Draupadi laughed "My sweetest brother" She said hugging him tighter as Drishtadyumn pouted and puffed his cheeks "Ok I am going then" he said little angrily as he was about to go.

"You all woke up?" Shikandini asked entering into the chamber "Yes" Satyajit and Draupadi said in unison with their bubbly jolly voice "Yes" Drishtadyumn said later, still in anger.

"Now what happen to you?" Shikandini as he said "Nothing" looking at Draupadi who giggled.


"What is the point of coming here everyday when we know we never able to see that flower again for sure" the 11 year Arjun said looking at his younger brother who were still with their eyes deeply observing the lake two 9 year old boys were looking deeply at the lake.

"I heard it grows during autumn and it's autumn now" Sahadev said as Nakul nodded his head "We should go and search it in other lakes then, maybe we get it" A 12 year old boy  suggested smiling.

"But Bhrata Bhim, there are too many lakes, we wont able to go near each of them" Nakul said as the others nodded their heads agreeing.

"What is going on" they heard the familiar voice of another boy of 13, his voice sounded little husky as a result of his early puberty, he looked at them.

"Nothing jyest bhrata, our little, innocent brothers Nakul and Sahadev still looking for blue lotus so that they can talk with it" Bhim said as he bursted into laughter along with Arjun, Yudhisthir also couldn't help, as an audible chuckle betrayed his lips.

"Nothing like that we have never seen that flower again it was beautiful and don't lie you two also wanted to" Sahadev spanned back pouting his lips as they chuckled.

"And that time we were young, now I know flowers can't talk" Nakul said glaring as they laughed "Okay okay continue with your journey of finding the flower, but do soon I am hungry" Bhim said as Nakul replied " when you don't feel hungry bhrata?" Bhim shot glare at them but they giggled instead.

"You came with us because of the same purpose as per I know" Nakul teased stucking his tongue out "No teasing" Yudhisthir said chuckling as Bhim whined "Jyest!!!".

"But I won't lie that flower has something special in it, I am not exaggerating not probably for a flower but there is something special in that flower, from it's intoxicating smell, beautiful bluish violet colour, lastly it's importantance was something fasinating" Yudhisthir said with a calm smile

"There is something or too, apart from all these reasons, as if it has some sort of connections with us", Arjun said his face expression turned into a calm and serious one "i agree" Bhim said grinning as the twins also nodded their heads in unison agreeing with their elder brothers.

"Leave it now come we are getting late" Yudhisthir said smiling as they nodded their heads.

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