Chapter 13

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Zhang Phan : Hi guys, hope you guys have a nice day.😊

"Where is Grace?" Ask Weiting "She said feel unhealthy." Answer Nana make them go to their bedroom.

"Grace." Say Yuxin, Grace lay down on the bed with mask. Opening her eye see her friends. "Today, you don't have go to work." Say Weiting "I can replace you." Say Yan Fei.

"Yeah, that's right." Say Cheng cheng. "Tonight, we go to club." Say Weiting and Grace look to him.

"See, she already recover." Sy Weiting joking. "Anyway, take a rest and bye." Say them and Yuxin "I will bring you a porridge before I go."

Bring a porridge to Grace before go to work. Yuxin also put a glass of water beside plate. "Take a rest Grace." Say Yuxin when put it beside table and walk down to car.

In the car, Yuxin got a problem 'Hais, how to answer Yan Fei question? Aha! I know.' Say Yuxin's mind.

"You must have spirit to make amazing performance and if you keep target number one, you will feel lose." Say Yuxin "You already amazing Yuxin." Praise Yan Fei. "There's still have many things I need to learn." Say Yuxin.

"Aiya!" Say Nana and Yan Fei, Cheng cheng hearing it look to her. "Why are you look at her like that?" Ask Weiting. Cheng cheng only quiet.

Arriving work place, Weiting and Nana prank Yan Fei "You must do 10 circle after that the door will be open." Say Weiting. "Then, I will dance sphinx with Yuxin." Say Yan Fei while Yuxin ready to run.

Yan Fei held Yuxin wrist to stop her running. 'I finish. What happen if I not dance well with her?' Ask Yuxin's mind.

Yuxin hesistant to dance first, "I will play, you guys song." Say Weiting and the song.

"5, 6, 7, 8." Say Yuxin after get courage and dance with Yan Fei. "Woah!" Say Weiting.

The door open and they in the store althought Nana hold the door controller.

The customer come and Yan Fei treat them with good along with Yuxin. But, today are different.

The customers in the store with faster make them busy. The money in and customer out with clothes that they bought.

Up till there's only one customer left, Yuxin and Yan Fei treat her. Suddenly, Yuxin's phone ringing. Take out the phone and see the doctor number Yuxin tell Yan Fei "Yan Fei, can you treat her? I have an important call to answer."

"Yes, I can." Say Yan Fei smiling "Thanks and excuse me." Say Yuxin and go to toilet for amswer the call. "This evening you must come meet me." Say the doctor.

"What? This evening? Can we meet tonight at chinese restaurant?" Ask Yuxin, hearing doctor sigh throught the phone.

"Okay, fine." Say doctor "Okay, see the doctor tonight." Say Yuxin and end the call.

Out from the toilet, Yuxin back to work. "The last customer already go." Say Yan Fei "Thanks Yan Fei." Say Yuxin smiling.

"You're welcome Yuxin." Say Yan Fei smiling back. "Tonight I can't go eat dinner together with you guys." Say Yan Fei and Yuxin at same time.

Both of them look at each other "Why Sharky and Yan Fei?" Ask Cheng Cheng. "I have to meeting client Simpson." Say Yuxin "Also me." Say Yan Fei.

Yan Fei and Yuxin in the different car, "Bye, see you guys again." Say Yan Fei waving "I might back late tonight." Say Yuxin while waving.

"Yeah, just go Sharky." Say Cheng cheng "yeah, yeah, Simpson." Say Yuxin to Cheng cheng and car drive to restaurant that they decide to meet.

"So, how are you?" Ask doctor to Yuxin "A bit fine." Say Yuxin "Do you still have that courage?" Ask doctor "Yes, I am." Say Yuxin.

Both of them chatting, without Yuxin know Yan Fei sit behind them unbelieve what she just hear. 'Oh my god. Liu Yuxin have mental illness.' Say Yan Fei's mind.

"So, what time you want to meet me again?" Ask doctor, Yuxin put her finger to her chin think "One month later." Say Yuxin "Are you sure?" Ask doctor.

"Yes, I am. Also hope to see you one month later doctor. Bye" Say Yuxin and get up from chair.

Yan Fei hide her face with menu paper. Yan Fei look behind see the doctor still there.

"Hello." Say Yan Fei. "Oh, hello." Say doctor greet back "I want to ask about Liu Yuxin." Say Yan Fei "Why?" Ask doctor.

"She have mental illness right?" Say Yan Fei "I'm not suppose to tell my patient illness." Say doctor.

"But, I'm her friend." Say Yan Fei "I'm not going to tell you." Say doctor, get up and leaving Yan Fei.

"Yuxin, are you sick?" Ask Yan Fei to herself. "But, why she not tell us about it?" Ask Yan Fei again to herself.

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