William - Just A Theory

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      . . . . . ╰──╮'*•.¸ ✿  ¸.•*'╭──╯ . . . . .

Inside of the famous Moriarty mansion held a group of both highly respected nobles, and highly feared assassins.

You, Y/n L/n, happened to be among them, visiting the estate in order to see your close friend, William James Moriarty. You happened to be politically well-known, and held the same ideals as William.

And so, you had agreed to partake in his master plan in order bring peace to London, and destroy its corrupted society.

It was a peaceful afternoon, as the bright sunlight beamed warmly inside of the room which you and the others currently resided in, listening carefully to William's instructions. It was soon time for the next phase of his plan to be executed, and so, it has been discussed since the beginning of your visit.

Jack and Bonde listened intently, whilst Fred and Moran were more lax, assuming that this task would be as easy as the former ones. Albert himself was seated across from William. Next to you, in fact. He rested his face inside of his palm, legs crossed, as he had this sly grin spread across his lips. He was enjoying his usual treat of his favorite wine.

Louis, however, insisted that he make tea for everyone; and so, he was busy moving about the room, serving each and every individual, as they muttered a quiet "thank you."

As he finally reached to where you were seated, all of a sudden he leaned over and whispered something into your ear, taking care to hide his face with his hand so that no one else heard his words or read his lips.

A light shade of pink had instantaneously brushed across your face.

You shot a worried glance at him, clutching your dress inside of your palms ever so slightly. Albert seemed to have noticed your troubled expression, as he was quietly observing you from the corner of his eye. He then gave a light chuckle of amusement, before you elbowed him in the rib. William took note of your flustered behavior and raised a brow of curiosity.

Clearing his throat, he caused the three of you to immediately turn in his direction, and instantaneously fall captive to his intense fiery crimson hues.

"Is there something of utter importance that must be discussed at this very moment?"

He smiled sweetly as he spoke, but the threatening tone of his voice had caused a slight shiver to be sent across your spine.

"Why, not at all. Please continue, Liam." You responded politely, praying that your colored cheeks no longer showed.

"I see."

His eyes subtly narrowed, as his gaze remained interlocked with yours for a brief moment.
However, he decided to leave the matter alone, as the blonde noble turned his head towards Colonel Moran and the others.

"That will be all. I expect for you to swiftly execute these actions and complete your tasks with excellence, as always." He proceeded to raise his cup to his lips and take a sip of the warm beverage, holding the small plate underneath.

Immediately afterward, the others nodded in understanding and made their exit, one by one.

Everyone, except for Albert and Louis that is.

William evidently paid it no mind, as he took a nearby paper and took the liberty of reading it, crossing his legs as his eyes scanned the black lettering.

You, however, were on the verge of falling apart. You kept your orbs focused on any type of object within the room, trying your best to avoid eye contact with Albert and Louis. This was far too abrupt, and had most definitely caught you off guard.

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