❣️ Requests ❣️

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Hello my lovelies!

So, getting straight to the point, I'll be starting my classes soon, and will most likely be posting much less around that time (unless I get the random occasional urge to write at 3 AM).

And so, just in case anyone had any ideas, I'd like to let them know that requests are now open; and my goal is to complete any given ones and to write as much as possible before any of my classes start, so that way no one will be waiting for long!

Please understand that I am only comfortable writing specific things, and have never taken any requests beforehand. The few rules are listed below~

Lemon/Smut - I will not be doing either of these, sorry. It would be extremely uncomfortable for me.

Ships - The point of this book is to be focused on >Character< X Reader, so I will not be taking any requests revolved around character ships at this time.

Reader Specifications - I kindly ask that you understand and respect the fact that I am generally only comfortable with writing Fem! Readers,  as it is my own gender and I have only been experienced with writing that specifically. Thank you~

Characters - I will only be doing the male characters at this time, as it is my only writing experience thus far.

Request Specifications - In order for me to write at my best, as many specifications as possible would truly help and be appreciated! I kindly ask you to specify these things:

The Genre (Angst, Fluff, Romance)

• The Reader's Personality (How would you like to be portrayed? Are you shy and bashful? Or bold and confident? Would you prefer to be the one confessing, or the other party?)

• The Setting (What do you want the current state to be in the oneshot? Do you want them to confess, or are you already in a relationship? Do you happen to fight alongside the Moriartys, or help Sherlock with his investigations? Are you perhaps just a bystander? Apart of the lower-class, or a noble?)

• The Event (Please state what the oneshot would mainly be focused on; such as playing a game together, cooking together, cuddling, fighting, etc.)

• Other: Anything else that you might have in mind

Oneshot, Headcanon, or Scenario? - Lastly, please state which you would prefer, and if Headcanons, please state about what! The headcanons will be written for each character.

The same applies to Scenarios.


I will still happily take requests once my classes start; however, you may have to wait sometime before they are posted.

You may comment any requests on this chapter, or message me if that is your preference! Either way is fine.

Once the request is published, I will be mentioning the person that asked for it. If you would rather stay Anonymous, that is perfectly fine, just let me know!

Thank you kindly for reading and understanding the conditions! And as always, thank you for your kind words and support, as they motivate me to continue writing!~

Moriarty The Patriot Oneshots, Headcanons, and Scenarios ❣️Where stories live. Discover now