Albert - The Rumors

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       . . . . . ╰──╮'*•.¸ ✿ ¸.•*'╭──╯ . . . . .

Requested by kinestAR2010010102 was a OS of this suave Moriarty brother! I don't know about anyone else, but Albert is definitely my favorite after William, so I absolutely enjoyed writing this one~
Note: Not proofread/Unedited.
Word count: 2,318

You began to increasingly grow more disgusted by the minute with the nobles and their horrid nature, watching their every move as you observed them from the lavish dinner table that so perfectly laid spread delectable dishes to the eye. Though the provisions were suitable for any certain individual's specific tastes-ranging from seafood, French cuisine, finger foods; and of course, desserts-any sort of dish you decided to partake in consuming only tasted bitter.

Soon enough, your eyes spotted Albert whom has agreed to dance with the hostess of the dinner party. Though his own masque of a personality was charismatic enough the shield the fact that he was incapable of enjoying the company, you knew him well enough to the point where it was obvious he was growing tired. His gaze momentarily shifting towards you, you flashed him a small smile of reassurance with closed eyes, playfully tilting your head to the side ever so slightly. The sight of you was enough for his grin to spread even wider than before, returning his view to the partner which he danced with.

Just recently in the past week, Albert had paid a surprise visit to your door, a bouquet of roses in hand. Being friends for such a long time now, you've become quite accustomed to his "special treatment." He truly was a gentleman at heart; and, he most certainly was not going to interrupt his dearest lady's day uninvited without some sort of compensation.

A chuckle slipped past your lips as you so graciously accepted the gift, carefully laying it in the side of your arm, the other hand gently moving the door for the purpose of opening it wider as a silent way to beckon him inside.

However, much to your surprise — and admittedly, dismay — Albert raised a dismissive hand and instead, reached inside his coat pocket before pulling out an elegantly designed invitation, it's letters and embroidery glistening in the light. Smacking your lips, you already knew the jist of his proposal. Your fingertips seizing the invite, you scanned the writing and information just in case.

"You wish for me to accompany you to another party, Albert?"

As always, a sly smile, paired with mischievous eyes, was casted upon his expression.

"Yes, my dear Y/N is correct." Dusting off his jacket with his gloves hands, the Moriarty cleared his throat before gesturing to the eloquent card that you held in hand.

"I do believe that you owe me a favor. But aside from that, I fancy your company and would be honored if you would join me once more."

You let out a small snort in retort to his charms, rolling your eyes at his gesture. Yes, he was most definitely the most dashing man in all of London, but that beautiful yet ravaging gaze of his simply had no effect on someone as close as you were to him. Sighing, you took a strand of your hair beside your face and began to playfully twirl it with your finger, your lips creasing into a smile.

"Alright. Since you insist, I will join you. But need I remind you? The only thing I look forward to is the food." You so happily chimed.

"Is that so? Well, perhaps my enamoring appearance may sway you. You never know; you might just want to dance with me at some point in time." He shifted his body away from you as a sign of exit, happily waving a goodbye as he strided off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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