! Important A/N Regarding Requests !

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    . . . . . ╰──╮'*•.¸ ✿  ¸.•*'╭──╯ . . . . .

Hello my friends! For those of you who have been following me and waiting for me to complete your requests, you have my most deep and sincere apologies.

I am aware that I wanted to write as much as I could before I began to be loaded with schoolwork, but unfortunately, several inconvenient events occurred in my life unexpectedly. To keep a long story short, my brother was sick with "Covid Pneumonia" and was admitted to the hospital. Thankfully he was released, but had to stay here at my home until he made a full recovery, since it would have been very dangerous for him to be alone.

Unfortunately, while he was living here, that is when my classes began, and so I have been quite busy ever since my last post.

I'm very sorry for the long wait, but I wanted to give you an explanation as to why there has been such a delay in updates! Just know that I haven't forgotten about them and will get to them when I can~

With love,

Moriarty The Patriot Oneshots, Headcanons, and Scenarios ❣️Where stories live. Discover now