William - A Teacher's Passion

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. . . . . ╰──╮'*•.¸ ✿ ¸.•*'╭──╯ . . . . .

This oneshot was requested by CherubJamellMeracap! I really liked the idea, and it was enjoyable to write! I hope you enjoy reading it and that it has met your expectations~
Note: Unedited.
Word count: 1,777
It had been the simple yet average day for you, your exceedingly hard work and considerable labor soon reaching its end was you watched your students exit the classroom with a gracious smile. As the jumbled and combined sounds of the students hurriedly packing their bags, speaking to their mates and scuttling out the exit echoed throughout the lecture hall, your smile widened as you eyed a few troublemakers striding towards you with unfavorable expressions. While analyzing their current motives and potential actions, you silently waited for them to speak up among the crowd, anticipation their future words.

"Hello, Miss Y/N." One of the young men beamed a noticeably forced smile at you, readjusting his satchel whilst clearing his throat.

"Good morning, James. How may I assist you today?" Your tone was soft and polite as always, clasping your hands together in wait.

His smile began to grow into one of mischief, his brow raising in a sly manner. "Yes, 'how' is the question." You then noticed his eyes shifting to your chest, his mates attempting to retain a few chuckles and snickers.

"Does the teacher have any prior engagements for today?"

Acting oblivious to his perverted and flirtatious behavior, you turned and proceeded to erase the blackboard, entirely ignoring his remark.

"As a matter of fact, I do. As of today, Professor Moriarty will be assisting me in grading your papers." You calmly replied, a smile still creasing your lips as you spoke.

"Oh? Why is that? Do you perform so poorly in your job that you need help to do a simple task such as that?" One of Jame's pals chimed in, the others laughing as they elbowed each other in the ribs.

"Now now, settle down, gentleman." James calmly raised his hands, and the rest of the boys ceased their laughter as they paid attention. "You never know, this may be Miss Y/N's secret plan to seduce Professor Moriarty during their time alone together.

Think about it, a lower class teacher landing a job at a university with a noble professor? I wouldn't be surprised that she would try and lay claim to our mathematician to gain both our favor and his riches. After all, isn't being a leech what a woman does best?"

Your lips began to press into a firm line as the words rolled off of his tongue, beginning to feel a sense of displeasure. Not because they insulted you, oh no - after all, this was an everyday occurrence; one that in fact, you found no trouble with whatsoever.

The problem was that they had insulted William with you.

Turning to your desk and grabbing a few papers, you soon gathered them together to form a stack, lightly tapping them against the wood to keep them in place. Lightly licking your thumb, you then began to skim the pages as your eyes fluttered whilst scanning for specifics. After a few seconds of your students silently watching, you then reached out and handed a paper to James.

Evidently, it was an exam, with both his name signed at the top and a score right beside it.

The score of a 49%.

"To answer your question, boys," You lightly lay the stack of papers back in place, leaning against your desk with a hand on your hip. "The reason why I am in need of assistance is because I need a second pair of eyes to correct all the mistakes you have made. I've found, that, after having Professor Moriarty check your work, your score was even lower than what I had anticipated."

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