William - Just A Theory (Part 2)

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      . . . . . ╰──╮'*•.¸ ✿  ¸.•*'╭──╯ . . . . .

A/N: I generally don't write any continuations to oneshots, however, kinestAR2010010102 happened to be very fond of the previous one, and so I simply couldn't disappoint them! Thank you so much for the kind words and supoort~

"You see, the both of us being completely infatuated with each other was most certainly not part of my master plan."

The attractive blonde seemed to be rather...embarrassed, to unexpectedly admit a bizarre fact such as that.
In the midst of your surprise and perplexity, you found it quite endearing that he still yet had to make eye contact with you.

"...'Infatuated?' "

Quietly, you repeated his claim aloud, as you allowed a few moments to pass in order for his words to register.

Why, you could scarcely believe it.

"...Your feelings are the same as mine?" You inquire for confirmation, despite how foolish the question was.

As he finally began to make his recovery, William turned in order to face you, lightly breathing a sigh of defeat.

"If you will allow me to be frank, Y/n, it is rather an—inconvenience." He spoke in a tone that was quite gentle, calmly explaining as to why the matter at hand was a problem.

"I had taken notice of my own feelings for you long ago; however, was hoping to avoid confrontation at all costs. You see, I believe it goes without saying that I am indeed a targeted criminal. Should I ever be exposed or reveal myself to the public, associating yourself with me on such an intimate level would not be wise."

You didn't need an explanation to the point which he had just stated in order to understand what he was implying. However, you were quite stubborn and determined, unwilling to let whatever you hoped to gain so easily slip out of the palms of you hands.

And though he would never say it aloud, it was most definitely a feature that William loved and admired.

"Liam," A gentle smile creases your lips, folding your hands.

"You should know that I have no fear of whatever may come to pass. I simply will not allow anything to come between use, no matter the circumstances."

"Y/n, please consider these things realistically." The young noble continued to argue.

He truly did not want things between the two of you to take a turn such as this.

It wasn't because he feared commitment, no.

And it wasn't because his feelings towards you were just mere attraction, or even lust for that matter.

No. This was true, genuine, unfathomable love that he held for you.

And it was all the more reason why he should seek to protect you at all costs.

Even if it meant hurting you, and himself.

"A healthy relationship consists of many things. There is the exchange of gifts, physical engagement, words of affirmation...

And the time spent together."

With a wistful gleam, William's crimson eyes meet yours.

Right then, you felt an overwhelming wave of emotions began to heavily wash over you. It was a mixture of various things.
You could feel each and every word that William silently expressed to you with just a simple glance. To know his adoration and admiration; the feelings that he'd kept suppressed for longer than you ever knew.

But you also felt a vast amount of sadness from those eyes.

As if,

For just a moment,

You felt...regret, flowing from him.

"...Y/n, I am afraid that...I cannot give you the time that you deserve."

Those words seemed to have a hidden meaning to them.

And yet, you couldn't quite place it.


The tone of your voice had grown stern, as you slowly rise from your seat, your heels firmly pressing against the patterned carpet as you strided towards the man whom you loved.

As you stood before him, you begin to lean forward, leaving your face inches away from him. Raising a hand, you gentle place your hand under his chin, tilting it upwards.

"I cherish any moment that I spend with you. Just a fraction of your time is enough to practically make my heart soar; to have me feel such exceeding joy and everlasting happiness."

You made sure to speak slowly and steadily, so that he could clearly comprehend the emotion behind those words.

"If I am willing to make sacrifices for the sake of Britain, than I am more than willing to make sacrifices for you.

I refuse to let you go."

As you spoke, you had hardly noticed that with each word, your face began to inch closer and closer to his.

You could hear and feel his steady breathing as he watched.

You could feel the heavy tension between the two of you, practically begging to finally be shattered.

However, just before your lips had managed to touched; he placed a finger onto your mouth, gently pushing your head away from him.


His voice grew seemingly hesitant, as he continued to try and find the words to speak.

"Everyone at this residence heavily depends on me. I cannot afford to allow myself to make a mistake. Surely, you understand..."

Few seconds of silence passed between the two of you, staring intently into his eyes.

Until finally, you start to grin ever so slightly.

"Can't a perfectionist like you afford to make an exception just this once?"

The Lord of Crime simply spoke not a word. Instead, his eyes narrowed, as he his unyielding gaze continued to rest on your eyes.

And then, in what was a swift and steady motion, he suddenly closed the distance between your lips, kissing you fervently with such deep and intense passion.
The action had most certainly caught you unguarded, as you gasped lightly in response to his unexpected move.

As the kiss had finally broke, William heaved a heavy sigh as he shook his head, chuckling lightly.

"You should be grateful. I made two exceptions, just for you." He stated in what seemed to be a subtly smug fashion, having the satisfaction of doing what he had longed to do since the beginning.

Blinking various times with confusion, you cleared your throat and attempted to regain your composure.

" 'Two?' Well—besides taking the liberty of kissing me, what was the other?"

"Why, loving you of course."

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