𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Kaito's POV

The sun seeps through the window above my bed, I turn and check the time- 6:07 am. It's too damn early to be awake right now I'd rather be in bed, even though my bed is lying on the tiled floor by itself uncomfortable as hell I know, but I could care less. Today is the first day of my senior year and I don't know how to feel about it. Grade 9, 10, and 11 consisted of everyone so excited for this year, it's here now and all I feel is meh. I try not to worry about it too much, but I really don't know what the future holds and that scares the shit out of me.


Translation: Wake up my brother, It's time for school!


Translation: Wake up!

Kiki my younger sister sits on my chest with her gapped toothed smile right in my face. I must have fallen back asleep. Kiki is cute, but not cute enough for her to be sitting on top of me with her morning breath in my face for this long.


Translation: Okay I'm up Younger sister

"Now get off of me please" I groan.


Translation: Mom cooked breakfast for the first day of school!

Kiki says still very much yelling at 6:45 in the morning. I didn't need her to tell me anyway, I can smell the food from my room.

Kiki shows no signs of getting off my chest so I lift her off myself. I make my way into the hallway bathroom to take a shower, but Kiki's little pitter-patter footsteps follow me in, she probably wants me to brush her teeth. Nasty ass smelling breath.

She sings me a song while I brush her teeth and wash her face. Her voice is horrible and I cringe every time she tries to hit a high note, but I still smile and sing along. Once I finish dragging Kiki out of the bathroom, I hop into the shower. I can only be in the shower for a limited amount of time, mom is always getting on my ass about long showers.

I smell like yesterday's end of summer party and I don't even know why I went in the first place. The whole party Elijah was upstairs messing with everyone who had anything in between their legs, I'm talking the girls, the gays, and the theys. He is the definition of a whore. he left me at the party playing candy crush on my phone against the wall for the whole 3 hours we were there and it wasn't like I could just leave, I was Elijah's ride home. I regret agreeing to that now.

After finishing my short hygiene routine, I head into the kitchen which is right beside the bathroom, whoever designed this apartment complex deserves my foot up their ass. Who the fuck centres every room around the one bathroom in an apartment?

The steam from my shower goes through all the rooms in the apartment and blends in with the steam coming from the pot my mom stands in front of. Could we not have opened a window? I head off to my room to get changed, it's the first day of school so I have to show out with my fit today except there's only so much I can do because I'm broke, broke as hell.

I decide on a grey sweater and jeans that I may have stolen from my mother's closet. I slip on my new air force ones that I've kept uncreased specifically for the first week of school, I'll wear them out after the week.

"Breakfast is ready my children!"

Why does everyone in the house insist on yelling so early in the mornings? I head into the kitchen and give mom a quick kiss on the cheek before trying to take a seat at the table. Mom stops me in my tracks and holds onto my shoulders. I avoid awkward eye contact by looking around the kitchen.


Translation: look at my little boy growing up

She whispers tears brimming her eyes, she's always so emotional with things like these.

"You look so much taller today Kaito!"

"It's just the shoes I have on mom," I say trying to get her to let go of my shoulders and stop crying. I really hate seeing her cry. It's no use because now she grabs onto my cheeks leaving me with no choice but to keep eye contact. She wipes her tears.

"How tall are you now bubba?"

Kiki joins in on the conversation from the living room where gravity falls plays way too loudly on the T.V.

"I'm not sure guys, maybe 6'4 now."

The last time I checked I was 6'1, but that was last year. I'm tall but skinny and no matter how much my mom feeds me; all the food goes straight to my height. I like to think that I am just a late bloomer in that aspect but I'm 17 now and there is only so much growing left. My slow metabolism is a bitch.

Image how many girls I would have under me if I wasn't like 145 pounds? Please I would be a whole pimp. Mom lets go of my checks and instead holds onto my hands. She drags me further into the kitchen.

"Come, come eat what I've made son your still as boney as ever!"

Did she just body shame me?

I don't dwell on it for too long, I'm too hungry to care. I take a seat at the table and mom finally lets go of my hands. I only eat a little bit of the food she has prepared before the clock hits 7:10 and I have to leave for school. Shit now I'm in a rush. I quickly grab the Natto, steamed rice, and grilled fish for lunch later. I make my way back into my room in order to get my backpack, phone, and skateboard. I rush back into the kitchen giving my mom and sister quick kisses on their cheeks.

"I'm leaving for school now guys."

"Bye have a nice day!" They both say in unison as I close the front door.


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

It's only a matter of time before I'm at the main lobby, I pull my skateboard out of my backpack and get on the board while still in the lobby, I really want to get the workers here all riddled up because of lil old me.

"Get off the board!"

A random shouts at me loud enough for the whole 6 floors to hear her. I continue riding throughout the lobby as more and more people begin to shout at me. Do they not have anything better to do rather than fuck up my good mood right now? I give them a quick ollie and middle finger for the show. I exit out of automatic doors and onto the sidewalk smoothly.

I look ahead trying to take in the fresh air but stop my board once I see her.

She's standing at the entrance of the apartment right Infront of mine with her phone and skateboard in hand. She looks bored out of her mind standing there with her huge glasses hanging low on the bridge of her nose. Her hair is in knotless braids that stop right where her wide hips start. The girl looks around my age maybe even younger. Her brown skin holds no blemishes. God, she's glowing!

She stands at around 5'10, she's pretty tall for a girl. 

She rolls her eyes at her phone before planting her feet on the board and riding off. She knows how to skateboard and she's fast at it too. I take off on my board noticing were heading the same way.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

A/N: okay, the first chapter is done!! how do you guys feel about this? I really hope y'all like it!

just to let y'all know I am using google translate for the Japanese sentences so I'm very sorry so if they are inaccurate which they are bound to be since google translate is shit. if you notice anything wrong abt that just let me know. I hope you all are having a great day btw!! 

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