𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4

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Aurora's POV 

I couldn't be more thankful for my course selections throughout the years. Grade 9, 10, and 11 I took the hard energy-consuming courses so my senior year could go exactly like this, easy peasy. I have no classes after lunch but after class, I tutor the grades below me for extra credit. The only thing that's throwing me off with this schedule is my late lunch. Which comes along faster than I expected.

The cafeteria is large and cuts in half, so all cohorts all spread out during this period. people be roaming, running, skipping, kissing, sucking dick and doing handstands in this hallway. Every day I'm reminded of how many people attend this school. 4, 500 students for what? That's why the school has a permeant smell of B.O and 10 cans of bounce that ass.

I sit at a random table near one of the cafeteria exits and pull out my book. 'Let me hear a rhyme' I was only 4 chapters through the book, but the author already had me hooked to her work.

Someone's figure looms over the page I'm reading. It better not be any of the kids that I tutor, some think they can sit and be friends with me just because I tutor them. I've had that problem many times and it's always a hassle to get rid of the entitled ones. It's not that I don't like the kids I tutor it's just that we have nothing to talk about other than their failing grades.

The shadow stands there waiting for something I turn my head maybe they're not even here for me. A smile spreads across my face when I see Kaito stand a few feet away looking conflicted before noticing my eyes are on him. Kaito blurts out.

"Can I sit here?"

I doubt he'll hear me say yes from where he's standing, the cafeteria is loud and full of lingering conversations aside from our own. I pat the space next to me hoping he'll take the signal. Kaito's soon by my side with our thighs touching, he bounces his legs up and down before stopping then starting again.

I don't want a repeat of this morning where we stared at each other in awkward silence, so I decide to speak up, maybe he's just nervous.

"I'm Aurora, what's your name?"

I know this man's first name, nicknames, middle name, and last name, but he doesn't know that, and he doesn't need to. I finally close my book, turn my body towards him and give him my full attention. He responds professionally with his full name.

"Kaito Yamamoto."

I giggle at how planned out and professional he sounds. "I like your name; can I call you Kai for short though?"

He turns to me and looks at me weirdly.

"My name's only 5 letters short why would you need to shorten it more?"

I shrug, I think the name is cute. My question still hangs around unanswered, I won't say anything until he responds but I think either way I'm going to call him K just for the fun of it. He chuckles at me. That chuckle sent ripples staright to my kitty I swear.

"You really wanna call me Kai that bad hmm?"

I nod my head.

"Okay, only if I get to call you Rory." He smirks.

The way 'Rory' rolls off his tongue has me agreeing way too quickly. His voice is deep and raspy, I think he pronounces his 's' wrong but it's cute. A wide smile is on his face.

"Perfect" Kai mumbles more so to himself but he has a loud voice, so I hear him.

"Rory, have you eaten anything yet?"

During my rush out of the house, I had forgotten to pack myself anything and the cafeteria food during this period is all reused. I'll have to get used to packing my lunch every day now because I don't wanna be eating nobody's leftovers.

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