𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22

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Auroras POV

I sit in the library with Makie, he works on his math while I work on my own. We hadn't brought up what happened at Barnes and Nobles the other day, so I just left it alone. "U-uh, Aurora, I don't really understand the question, here," Makie says with a stutter, pointing at a question on his worksheet.

I pause the music I had playing for the both of us through my air pods, turns out, we have the same music taste. I look up from my own work to look at his. "This one?" I point to question 7 on the practice page I had made him.

"Yeah, I don't get it. Cc-could y-you maybe help me?"

"Of course, I can, that's what I'm here for," I say laughing a little bit. Makie is good at math, so I don't really think he needed much of my help in the first place, just a little push.

"Okay, all there asking is for you to solve the exponential and simple logarithmic equations in one variable, but, like, algebraically. Does that make sense?"

"Oh yeah, I get it now. They just worded it weirdly."

"Yeah, they're only doing that to through you off," I laugh.

I resume the Willow smith album that we were listening to, and we get back to our work.

"Hey, Rory."

I look up from my work once again pausing our music. Kai stands at the table we're working at, looking intently at Makie who has his head down not bothering to look up at Kai. "Hey Kai, what're you doing here ?"

"Getting a book for class. Who's this?" Kai says dismissing my question and asking me one. He points his finger at Makie still looking at him with hatred. Makie has his head down avoiding eye contact now.

"Don't point, it's rude." I put Kai's hand down and away from Makies face.

"This is Makie, my tutee," I say wrapping an arm around Makie.

Makie finally lifts his head up looking at me with a deep red blush on his face. Kai removes my arm from around Makies shoulder. "Cool, keep your hands away from each other though," Kai says focusing his attention on Makie.

"Anyways," Kai starts dramatically. "Are we still on for our date today, Rory?" Kai says putting weird emphasis on his words.

"Yes, Kai. 4 pm, after school," I answer giggling at his childness.

"Right," Kai says walking away backwards, still looking at me and Makie as he makes his way towards the books. From the corner of my eye, I see Kai peeking at us through the bookshelves.

"I'm sorry about him Makie. He's on his period." I joke making Makie look at me with wide frightened eyes.

"Oh, I was just joking Makie, don't worry about him."

"Are you okay with working by yourself for a minute? I need to talk to him real quick," I say.

Makie nods his head and I leave him on his own making my way towards Kai. As soon as I'm in the same aisle as him, he turns his head away from Makie and onto the book in his hands. "Hey Kai," I chuckle.

He looks up from the book he's reading upside down acting surprised to see me. "Oh, hi Rory. I didn't see you there."

"Yeah, right," I say turning the book in his hands the right way up. Kai looks down at me with a sheepish smile.

"There's literally no reason why you should be jealous of Makie. I like you, not him."

Kai looks at me, still sheepishly smiling, he plays with the straps of my denim overalls avoiding eye contact. He always needed to be touching me, which I don't mind. "I know that," Kai says, now fixing my glasses which didn't need fixing.

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