prelude: a gamble

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"It's the only option at this point"

"There has to be a more reasonable way, this is ridiculous"

"I know it's a large gamble but if it goes right..."

Midday, two men sit at opposite ends of the table, a good few feet away. The tension in the air or bleak white walls surrounding them don't help either. While immensely empty neither can deny the claustrophobia they feel in the moment.

"Ok, fine, but let's see if they're willing to cooperate first," Sihyuk says, giving in to the risky bargain, one with little foreseeable gain. Hyunsuk just nods, hostile yet seemingly relieved by his response as his face relaxes. While no longer acting CEO it was probably him who had to get YGE out of this mess. A knock can be heard, rattling the frosted glass panel of the door. Sihyuk calls out to allow the guests, or rather employees in. If the tension in the room was enough yet it now was as in walked two very confused and peeved individuals. The last thing any four of them wanted to do was to be at work on a Sunday, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The two individuals let in now stood awkwardly by the door as if hoping they'd be dismissed the moment they arrived.

"Taehyung, Jennie, please take a seat" motioning towards the seats Sihyuk attempts to ease them in.

"We both need to discuss something with you, not that you'll have much of a choice in the matter but it's rather important," Hyunsuk says, interjecting, cutting off Sihyuk's attempt at being diplomatic. "We need you both to create a media distraction due to the recent... "upsets" in the news," he says, hesitating at how he should refer to the recent plethora of scandals.

"By media distraction, we are asking you both to announce you have been dating," Sihyuk says seeing as the man across from him seems to of left the hard part for him. "We don't want to impose on your privacy but it shouldn't last more than a month," he continues, "and we intend there to only be a single public appearance as a couple".

"Basically" Hyunsuk begins once more, a blunt tone present in his voice, "this will distract Dispatch who is currently publishing the most information regarding the current scandals". "And as we know nothing distracts them than a high profile relationship between two idols," he adds, hoping to persuade their egos at least.

"We were considering your juniors, such as TXT or Treasure but unfortunately most of our shareholders these days are international, and you both have a greater influence" Sihyuk explains, reasoning with the two who sit sullen and expressionless.

Silence washes over the room. Clearly, neither of the hopefully participating parties in this facade intend to speak. Both know they don't get much of a say, while they knew signing that contract would take away liberties they didn't think it'd lead to this. So juvenile and baseless honestly.

"Why is it our responsibility to help excuse them of their scandal?" a voice retorts. Surprisingly to Sihyuk, it's Taehyung, the one who never objected but would at most encourage a compromise. He sits, arms crossed and a mask covering half of his face while an unstyled brown mop threatens to cover his eyes. If Taehyung's tone of voice wasn't enough it was quite clear he didn't want to participate let alone be at the meeting.

"Honestly, there is none apart from a sense of owing them something" Sihyuk replies directly to him despite the fact two members of the opposing company are present.

"Well, young boy perhaps this "distraction" would help distract from one of your fellow members, I've heard he's been getting a multitude of death threats as of recent" Hyunsuk adds, mildly snarky but technically not wrong. Taehyung wishes to sneer back but he would hope this proposed charade would put an end to the mass amount of death threats that Namjoon had been receiving. Namjoon had willingly revealed in naive bliss his now three-year marriage and children, sick of always avoiding a topic so dear to him in interviews or on radio shows. But of course, as an idol there is more than just criticism or ridicule, harassment and death threats are likely too.

"Ok but last time we did this it didn't go so well either" Jennie interrupts, clearly referring to the discourse between her and Kai, "I got threats and harassment". While she had a fair point Hyunsuk seemed unphased, "well this would distract from a much greater issue at hand...".

"Well, what about Chaeyoung or Jisoo?"

"Chaeyoung is busy expanding into the Western market and Jisoo has an image to maintain."

"Oh and I don't?" Jennie snaps, her frustration brimming out of her tight-lipped mouth.

"That's not what he meant to say" Sihyuk begins, once more stepping in, "it's simply that both of you are in the optimal position for this type of ... facade we need to portray. We trust you both to execute it the best and remain professional throughout it, you both know what the media wants to see and are capable to do so".

Jennie remains peeved, a cross expression on her face, and like Taehyung, sits arms crossed defensively over her chest. Neither appears willing to agree, even though chances are they'll have to in order to save grace.

"All you'll need to do is make an appearance together at Taehyung's drama première screening, just on the red carpet and a quick interview with a Dispatch reporter probably"

"Which is in a month's time, then you can both go your separate ways as Jennie is booked in Paris for a shoot with Harper's Bazar" Hyunsuk adds, as if recalling his own employee's schedule was a way to win her over. 

Both maintain their sullen appearance as if holding out for a larger offer or the other to give in. While they understand the issue at hand is far greater themselves, giving in to this stupid act would take a personal hit at their egos.

"We'll give you both time to go over it, but we need to come to an agreement by tomorrow morning so we can break the news before more information regarding the scandal is leaked" Sihyuk states, before getting up from his position at one end of the table, anticipating everyone's dismissal. The other three follow in-suite, all eager to leave the tense situation.

"By tomorrow we need to announce that you both are dating, Taehyung, Jennie, please consider."

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