twenty: charming

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"You two are going to Paris."

A noticeable silence encased the room as the decision is announced, everyone's eyes on one individual in the room. That individual being Kim Taehyung.

Surprisingly, he didn't present his audience with an adverse reaction, rather giving Jennie a gleeful smile. Confused but his lack of resistance she just smiled back awkwardly, feeling the burning gaze of their company heads'. Despite their kind words, Jennie was well aware this was a chance for them to redeem their 'relationship' in the eyes of the public. And if they both weren't aware of this being a final chance, the fact it was an overseas trip certainly communicated the great importance of the decision.

Luckily, the silence (which was increasingly becoming awkward) broke, with their managers explaining the logistics of their trip.

In Taehyung's mind, a trip to Paris didn't seem so bad. It seemed like a chance to shake Dispatch and nosy Korean media outlets off their tails. Besides, the city was lovely and a great excuse to do some much-needed museum hopping. Also, as far as Taehyung was aware, things were good with Jennie now. A bit awkward, but at least they weren't at each other's throats right?

Too busy creating his own itinerary in his mind, Taehyung was softly kicked in the shin by Jennie, informing it the meeting had ended. All Taehyung really heard was 'photoshoot', 'Vogue', and 'behave'.

Whether they were paying attention or not though, the week would certainly hold things neither anticipated, such is the celebrity lifestyle.

Hopping out of a discrete van Taehyung was greeted by a hoard of reporters, in addition to a stadium's worth of fans and flashing camera lights. So much for a discrete entrance.

While waiting for security to position themselves around him, Taehyung looked around the airport's departure terminal. No Jennie in sight. This was admittedly a bit disappointing as Taehyung used to have at least one other person with him (a position normally filled by one of his members).

As if his curiosity of Jennie's whereabouts were heard by the woman herself, Taehyung's thoughts were interrupted by a soft beckoning of his name.


And like magic, beside him was a petite brunette. While her face was partially covered by a mask Taehyung easily pictured her gummy smile beneath it.

"Looking for me?" she stood on the tips of her toes, leaning over to whisper into his ear.

Taehyung only scoffed back, telling her she was right but like he was going to admit to it.

The security slowly led them through the crowd, the whole ordeal uncomfortable as waves of people pushed against the man-made barrier protecting the two.

Taehyung simply kept his focus ahead of him, ignoring the bright lights and voices screeching his name. He learnt that this was the best way to get through these situations without triggering a small breakdown of sorts. Though, this method suddenly backfired on him, as Taehyung failed to notice a small pole in his peripheral vision.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't small and he was just blind, but either way he flinched, closing his eyes to brace for impact.

Eyes still closed he waited and waited and soon began wondering if time had slowed down around him because why hadn't his face met the metal yet?


"Hmmm," he hummed back, easily recognising her voice.

"Open your eyes"

Taehyung sort of wished he hadn't because in that moment he was confronted by his own stupidity.

Somehow he ended up in Jennie's grasp, her arms wrapped around his chest holding him back from the said pole.

Quickly (and clumsily) he shook off Jennie's hold, giving the security guards around them a quick bow for the hold-up.

"Act like you didn't notice that happen" he begins to beg, knowing she might very well tease him for it later down the line.

"Like you didn't notice the pole?" the witty reply warranted a small smirk on her face Taehyung guessed she held under the mask. 

Sulking, he ignored Jennie, instead choosing to loop his arm in her's and pulled her along.

Finally, they boarded the plane, seating themselves next to one other in their spacious first-class seats.

"Oh fancy" Taehyung remarks, acting like a child as he played with the TV remote.

"Says the millionaire" Jennie joked, knowing damn well this must be his 100th first-class flight.

However, he continued to ignore her, totally immersed in the small screen in front of him.

Bored and waiting for the flight to take off Jennie took the opportunity to scroll through any message she might have received. Suddenly, her phone buzzed, alerting her to the spam from none other than Lisa.




Look at this !!

I'm serious answer me


Clearly not relenting, she replied, curious at the younger's sudden bombardment of messages. 

Soon, Jennie learnt why, as Lisa quickly sends her a link. Clicking it, it automatically opened to Twitter and without having the scroll Jennie is met with an image.

The image being of her and Taehyung as she holds him away from the poll. Jennie can help but snicker at the funny photo. Taehyung looked dazed, eyes closed and unalert as behind him she saw herself pulling him away from the impending danger (a pole). Deciding there hopefully wouldn't be hateful comments or anything she'd rather not see, Jennie continued to scroll wondering how the internet took the image.

To her amusement, she's instead met with memes and articles sporting humorous titles.


Finally bored with the screen he'd been preoccupied with he lazily leant over. His face can only be described as exaggerated offence as he read large text on her phone screen.

"Prince Charming Jennie and Cinderella Taehyung?" acting taken aback, Taehyung dramatically gasped, making Jennie laugh.

"Mmm according to the internet it seems like you owe me one, princess," Jennie said mockingly, knowing the number of times Taehyung had used the nickname for her unironically.

"You know, that means I'm the prettier one" he snarked back in response, crossing his arms before flicking his hand back to brush the non-existent hair off his shoulder.

To this Jennie hastily grabbed one of the airline-provided slippers off the floor, threateningly looking at the now frightened Taehyung. They're lucky the first-class cabin was empty as only their managers watched the two childishly run around like cat and mouse.

The duo was more than tired when they finally made it to their hotel. It was all very glamorous, as one would expect a Parisian hotel to be. That aside, it was Vogue who was paying for their accommodation.

Though as they received their room keys from their managers the two soon came to a realisation.  Vogue was really only paying for Jennie's accommodation. Each key both had the number 62 scribbled on, which clearly meant only one thing.

Entering suite 62 a mutual groan was let out. There was only one bed. How cliche.

"So..." Jennie begins, both of their witty spunks now drained leaving only a stale, awkward atmosphere.


"Rock, paper, scissors for the bed?"

"Sounds like a plan"

!! author's note !!

school's starting for us again so we apologise that updates are going to be less frequent!

we'll try to update weekly though ~~

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