fifteen: rumour

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Upon walking out of the room, the mask of indifference Taehyung was so confidently wearing in the meeting instantly crumpled, and his mouth was set into a hard line. His head was fuzzy, his mind still not fully processing what had just happened. And to be frank, he wasn't sure why he had stormed out quite impulsively.

The pictures of Jennie and Jongin standing together seemed to unravel an unsettling feeling in him. He imagined them hanging out with each other, similar to to way him and Jennie had last night, and it made his blood boil. Did he mean nothing to Jennie? He knew that their relationship was purely business, but he couldn't help but feel hurt and betrayed. She could have at least told him about her relationship with Jongin.

He hastily continued to walk away in the hopes that the physical distance from the room would somehow mentally distance himself from what had just happened.

As he reached the dorms Taehyung approached the youngest member of BTS lying on the couch, black hair covering his eyes as he tried to sleep.

"Jungkook guess what happened Jenn-"

"I know"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Of course you know. Why did you never tell me they were dating?"

"Do you live under a rock, they had so many dating rumours going around last year."

"Well, clearly I'm not really as invested in the activities of BLACKPINK as you seem to be", he replied snarkily. "This is so embarrassing for me, and now we have to do some Dispatch interview together and I really don't want to see her right now and I'm just so mad and I want to talk to that Jongin guy and-"

"Calm down", Jungkook interrupted Taehyung's rant, already tired of hearing about this drama. His eyes were fixed on his phone, thumbs typing away at a series of text messages.

"I'm sure Jennie has a lot to tell you".

Jennie made her way back to her dorms after sitting in the meeting room, staring blankly at the wall even after Taehyung had left. The words of the media manager rung in her head, she had never been spoken to in such a harsh way before.

The worst part of this whole situation was Taehyung's reaction to the news. Although he had hidden it well, Jennie was still able to catch the look of shock that had passed over his features, before being quickly covered by a blank, neutral stare. And that was how she knew she had hurt him, and it hurt her too.

She mentally cursed herself for not running after him, for not fully explaining the situation to him before he jumped to conclusions.

Jennie opened her phone to send Taehyung a text.

can we talk


But as she had expected, her messages were met with silence on the other end.

As she was about to put her phone away, a text popped up from none other than Jongin.


are you okay?

it's okay, it wasn't ur fault

shouldn't be a big deal, just have to do a dispatch interview tomorrow

im sorry

i promise i'll say something about it in my next interview to clear things up too

how about ur tae boy how's he taking this


he doesn't know we aren't dating


might be a good idea to tell him that soon

but I have to say we do make a great couple :)

She chuckled at the Dispatch picture Jongin sent, marvelling at his ability to somehow make light of every situation.

"Jennie!" A somewhat puffed out Lisa makes her way to the front of the dorm. "Are you okay? I heard you got in big trouble for the Dispatch photos"

"I'm okay, it's just Taehyung seems to be ignoring me now." Jennie smiled fondly at the younger member, in the hopes of assuring her, but Lisa didn't seem to buy it.

"Wh-" she was interrupted by her phone buzzing with text messages. The short-haired girl looked at her phone to find an array of text messages from her 'new bestie'.

Jennie's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she watched Lisa hide her grin as she read the messages "Who is that?"

"Nobody of your concern", she sang as she walked cheerfully out the door of their home.

Lisa looked back down at her phone to type a reply.


taennie seem to be in a bit of drama right now

and taehyung's whinging is annoying me, can we talk

sure, maybe we can fix this lol

And that was how Lisa found herself sitting in the HYBE cafeteria, opposite the maknae of BTS. Although they had only recently become friends there was a comfortable atmosphere whenever they talked.

The man clad in black opposite her let out a sigh as he ruffled his hair. "There always seems to be some issue between Tae and Jennie."

"I'm guessing Taehyung is jealous of her and Jongin?"

Jungkook lets out a laugh. "Yes, he's so jealous yet is refusing to admit he likes her"

"Did you tell him that they aren't together?"

He smiled mischievously. "There's no fun in that. He can work it out for himself once they actually talk again."

Lisa paused, thinking about Jennie's behaviour as of late. Often she's caught Jennie smiling at her phone, and last night she heard her come home very late.

"You know, I think they both like each other."

"Yeah no shit"

"Well what do we do", Lisa responded. She wanted to help Jennie, who seemed to be bothered over this whole scandal.

"Nothing, we sit and watch."

She rolled her eyes wondering how they had gotten into this situation in the first place.

"I think even we would have made a better dating scandal at this point."

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