two: contract

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Jennie wasn't sure whether it was the day she had ahead of her or the coffee she chugged as she walked towards the now all too familiar HYBE building but something felt off. She hoped it was the latter. While a proper breakfast would normally be in order nothing prepared Jennie for this type of schedule. She had to wake up early just to meet with the stylist who proceeded to fuss over her outfit yet a single ounce of makeup didn't touch her face. It was all quite confusing but no-makeup wasn't something to complain about.

As Jennie reached the doors of the building she heard an automated click and soon found herself hit with a refreshing blow of the AC. While her visit yesterday was enough to take in the building's interior it didn't stop the harsh, white lights adorning the entranceway to blind her momentarily. Though there wasn't much of a chance to wince about it because she felt her manager gently directed her towards the elevator and up.

Entering the same conference room as the day before Jennie quickly is met face to face with Taehyung. He wears a grimace, probably like herself. He sits across the table, busy on his phone, the bright light streaming in from the windows behind defining his silhouette.

"Oi, do you need me to invite you to sit or something?"

And his cold voice interrupts her. Instead of answering she makes her ways across to his side of the table, sitting next to him. Not her first pick but the only other apparent chair available.

It isn't long before their voluntary silence is interrupted as a woman rushes in, seemingly exuding the same impatient energy of the two. The woman takes a moment to compose herself before taking a place in front of them both. Standing above them, looking down at them like children, it all felt quite intentional in Jennie's eyes.

"I will be your media manager for this project, Han Sujin" she begins, rather nervous and fidgety Jennie notices, the domineering first impression of the woman no longer. "I'll be going over with you both outcomes and aims of this project, as well as how we will achieve them" Han adds, taking out sheets of paper from a pristine white binder.

Jennie quickly scans the sheet, one given to her the other to Taehyung. It appears to be a list, almost a to-do list or chore list. It definitely feels infantilising that's for sure. While Han proceeds to explain the self-explanatory Jennie rather focuses on the paper in her hand. Taehyung clearly does the same and she can hear his disgruntled mutters and critiques of the list.

"Must make Dispatch front page..."

"Success interview as couple... must be well versed in each other's interests"

"...Four to seven SNS posts? Fucking hell"

"Project span predicted one month"

Jennie's intense eye contact with the paper and heavy eavesdropping on her new "boyfriend" was cut short as another piece of paper greets her. This time it's relatively short with a bleedingly obvious blank space at the bottom, for her signature.

"So we'll need you to both sign here at the bottom, this arrangement can only be known by your staff and members. While we understand this might be difficult we ask you, please do not inform family members of this, it could jeopardise the situation."

"Let me get this straight, so not only do you expect us to completely fake a whole relationship which has reportedly been ongoing for... eight months" Taehyung interrupts, scanning the page for the exact time period noted, "but you also won't allow us to tell our own parents the truth and place an expiration date on this little project?".

"He has a point, this is all quite cruel" Jennie adds, "not even for us but also for those who support us."

"Well unfortunately this is the option the higherups have come to and I cannot persuade them otherwise. Let's just hope this works out for the best." Despite her harsh tone, Jennie knew there was no real choice in the matter and signed the page in front of her. In-suite Taehyung did the same, him too knowing his inability to resist. Han quickly retrieves the papers from them both, as if worried it'd only take a second for them to change their minds. Though she wasn't wrong in that sense as both of the individuals expected to play the lovers weren't enthused by the idea.

"I'm letting you both know that by now the news should be released to the public and I advise you both stay off social media for the next 48 hours or so," Han said while packing up any paper that fell out during their meeting. "And as you both would know, you are expected to be in each other's company for the rest of the day, for media purposes of course."

As she heads for the door Han turns bowing to them both as they do the same, dismissing herself from the claustrophobic atmosphere of the room. The two sit in silence, either too timid to talk or engulfed in some internalised rage over the situation. After a while, Jennie goes back to fully examining the list of "requirements" of their "relationship". The whole thing appears rather formal despite having the premise of an article she'd write as a scheming teenager.

Confidential Information

Strategies to achieve aims and goals of the project:

1. Make casual appearances in public as a couple (2-3)

2. Recieve press and media attention

3. Critical: Must make Dispatch front page/headlines

4. Post 4-7 SNS posts (distributed between Jennie IG and BTS TWT)

5. Taehyung reference Jennie during W Korea Magazine Interview

6. Jennie visit Taehyung on the drama set

7. Attend the annual company dinners together

8. Jennie must send a congratulatory gift for drama premiere

9. Make a formal appearance at drama premiere

10. Successful interview as couple at drama premiere (must be well versed in each other's interests)

"This is fucking ridiculous"

Once more his voice disrupts her focus, but now he leans towards her, reading over her shoulder.

"You can read your own fucking paper please" she retorts, deciding to hit back with an equally sharp tone.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't realise the princess was so sensitive"

"I'm not, I just value my personal space"

"Right, sorry, I apologised"

Jennie sighs, frustrated but trying to remember neither of them planned nor wanted to be in this position. "Ok, well, let's try to get along since we'll need to seem that way for a month".

"So, where to first?" Taehyung asks, this time his voice sounds neutral and relaxed, agreeing with her notion that they must get along.

"Hmm, it has to be public right?"



"Ok, cafe."

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