one: puppets

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"No. I won't do it." Jennie stands from her chair and storms out of the room, slamming the door shut.

The room remains silent as the slam echoes throughout. "...sorry for Jennie's behaviour, she tends to be very stubborn", Hyunsuk says awkwardly, excusing her as an embarrassed parent would. 

Sihyuk turns abruptly to Taehyung and says, "Well Taehyung, what are you waiting for, go after her!"

Taehyung rolls his eyes and stands slowly, taking his own time. He strolls out the room and in the direction Jennie went. After turning the corner towards the practice rooms, he hears whispers between two girls. "I can't do this", he hears Jennie's voice say. "I hardly know him and I already have enough on my plate with our recent promotions!"

The voice of the other girl speaks soothingly, "Shhh it's okay, I know it will be hard for you considering what happened last time, but the other members and I will be here for you. And plus, it's only one month right?" 

"Yes Jisoo, but this also ruins my chances of finding someone. I want to find someone I truly love, someone to spend the rest of my life with, but I can't if I'm supposed to be in a relationship with some guy from BTS." 

As Taehyung hears this, he realises that he also feels the same way. Seeing Namjoon so happy with his wife and children makes him want to have the same thing too. 

Jisoo begins to speak again, after embracing Jennie in a hug. "We will get through this together, and I promise after I will help you find someone right for you."

"Yeah I guess. Thank you unnie", Jennie sniffles. 

At this, Taehyung decides he should make himself known to Jisoo and Jennie, so he continues to walk towards their direction. "Jennie, do you think I can speak to you for a second?" Upon seeing him, Jennie's expression hardens and she glares daggers at him. She feels a nudge on her side and turns to see Jisoo giving her an encouraging smile. "You should go talk to him."


"What do you want", Jennie says to Taehyung as he leans casually against the wall. 

"Look, I just want to get this over and done with. Trust me when I say I don't want to do this either, but Namjoon is in a lot of trouble right now with the media, and I want to do everything I can to help him."  It hurt Taehyung and the rest of the members seeing their leader so upset.

"But I don't understand why I have to do this", Jennie retorts, "Isn't it just between Namjoon and Hybe?"

"Yes, but your company seems to be having some issues too, especially from your sunbaes." Taehyung is starting to get visibly frustrated. "Why can't you just stop sulking and cooperate, it would make this a lot easier."

"I just hate being forced to do things, can't I just live my own life?!" Jennies exclaims in anger. 

"I know that we are being treated like puppets, and trust me I fucking hate it too, but in order to keep being an idol, you're gonna have to do this to save YG's reputation." 

At this, Jennie remains silent, knowing very well that what Taehyung is saying is true.

"My drama premier is in 3 weeks, but I'm guessing before then, they're going to make us do something in public to catch Dispatch's attention, so be ready for that." Taehyung walks away down the corridor, presumably back to his own company building. 

Jennie sighs and walks away. "He's so rude", she mutters under her breath. 

[Back at the HYBE practice rooms]

Taehyung walks into BTS's practice room, Black Swan blasting on the speakers as the members learn the dance moves. He kicks off his shoes and slumps on the floor. Upon noticing him, the members stop the music and approach him. 

"Tae what happened"

"Is everything okay"

"What did you get called in for"

"What does pdnim want?"

"Why didn't they call us all in-"

"He wants me to date Jennie as a publicity stunt", Taehyung says dejectedly. 

"WHAT?!?!" The room explodes into a series of cries of confusion as the members work out what's going on. 

"Jennie as in Blackpink Jennie?", Jungkook exclaims, a futile question though, of course he would know.

"Yes dumbass what other Jennie is there, plus it makes sense as I heard YG is going through a lot of scandals with the media right now", responds Jin.

"HIT YOU WITH THAT DDU DDU DDU~", Hoseok sings as he dances, using his fingers as guns. 

"I've heard staff talking about her", says Yoongi lying down on the ground, "that she can be quite of a bitch to them sometimes."

"Yeah she is one", Taehyung responds, putting his head in his hands.

During this whole chaos, Namjoon stood timidly in the opposite corner of the room. "Tae-ah, I'm really sorry, it's my fault that you have to do this", He says with his head down. "Actually, I'm sorry to all of you guys. I've jeopardised BTS' image."

"Joonie its okay, we didn't think the fans would react in the way they did, we thought they would be supportive of you", Jin says, approaching him to give him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Yeah, it's okay, you've done so much for us, and this is the least I can do to help you. I hate how you're getting so much hate that you don't deserve", Taehyung said giving a faint smile to his hyung. "I just want you to be happy, so you can be there for your children. And plus, it's only a month, and then we can break up". 

Jimin comes up to Taehyung and gives him a warm back hug. "Taetae fighting! Maybe this will turn into more than a business relationship ~", he says as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"No that is definitely not happening-" Taehyung is interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry guys I have to take this call."

"Hello", he spoke into his phone.

He hears the voice his manager. "Hi Taehyung, I suppose PDnim has told you about the publicity stunt with Jennie right?"

"Yes, he most definitely has", he responds, rolling his eyes.

"Well, unfortunately we have no time to lose, we have to get a move on with this."

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" 

"You're going on a date tomorrow."


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