three: official

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The two walk discreetly into the cafe down the road from the HYBE building, masks covering their face so as not to be instantly spotted by the paparazzi.

Taehyung walks over to the seats and pulls one out, "For you, princess", he says, voice dripping with sarcasm. Jennie sits with a roll of her eyes. 

She looks over at Taehyung, who takes off his coat, revealing a beige sweater that contrasted well with his black pants. She scoffs. "They really had to put us in matching outfits".

"Actually?" Taehyung asks while glancing down at Jennie's black sweater vest and beige skirt. "That's why my stylists were being so fussy this morning. They even made me wear this", he holds up his wrist, a gold bracelet with a heart pendant hanging from it. "It's not my style at all".

Jennie points to her neck, which had a gold necklace with a similar pendant on it. "This is so disgusting. First, they match our outfits so obviously, then they give us matching jewellery too?!"

"Hi, what can I get for you guys today", the waitress says cheerfully, smiling way too brightly at the couple.

"Could I have one iced americano please", Jennie says. Her morning coffee seemed to have left her system already, and she knew she will need it in order to survive this 'date'.

Taehyung wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Coffee, really? One strawberry juice please"

"How old are you", Jennie exclaims, rolling her eyes.

The couple sits in silence, the atmosphere tense. Taehyung sips his drink and glances at the girl sitting in front of him with her arms crossed, a blank look on her face. "You aren't being very convincing, you know"

"Neither are you."

"Yes, but you aren't helping."

"It would help if you actually did something", she says stubbornly. 

Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh. "Okay, let's get to know each other then."

"Fine, but we're making rules about our so-called relationship"


"First rule, this is entirely fake, and it won't be fun for you if you suddenly catch feelings for me because there is no way in hell I will be reciprocating them."

Taehyung laughs. "No offence, but I don't think I'd ever like you."

"Second rule-"

"Can I add a rule?", Taehyung interrupts. "Since this is all just an act, no jealously."

"As if I would be jealous, you can do what you want. As I was saying, third rule, we aren't doing any more than we are asked to do. I have my own life, and I have more than enough to do, so I don't have time to waste pretending to be your girlfriend"

"Okay deal", Taehyung says as he holds out his pinky.

Jennie stares down at his finger. "What is this".

"A pinky promise".

"You really are a kid", Jennie laughs as she holds out her pinky and intertwines it with his. 

"No, you just have no sense of fun. You're like a grandma. Hah, that would be a perfect contact name for you", He says, giggling.

"Speaking of contact names, should we exchange numbers?", Jennie asks. "They would probably want us to do that right."

"Yeah, give me your phone"

He types his number into her phone and names himself 'Handsomest Guy in the World'.

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