Chapter 2: Forest remedy

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The sound of shattering glass echoes throughout the forest as the last of the «Thrusting Hornets» exploded into tiny polygons. With a relieved sigh, Akiri places his «Anneal Blade» back into its sheath and took a moment to catch his breath.

Meanwhile, the brown-haired boy and black-haired girl both had amazed looks on their faces having witnessed a lone player dismiss an entire swarm of high-level monsters.

Seeing that his health gauge had dropped dangerously close to the red, Akiri immediately downed a bottle of health potion to recover his health.

Akiri: You guys okay?

He asked as he turns towards the two.

???: Yeah. Thanks

Koharu: Thank you. You saved our lives back there

Akiri: Don't mention it. Although, you two should be more careful. Those hornets were way too powerful for you guys to handle at your level

???: We know. We were just passing by the area when they just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started swarming us before we could react

Koharu: It was so scary, suddenly getting jumped like that...

Akiri: Suddenly appeared, you say...?

He thought of different scenarios that could've caused the incident.

Akiri: (thoughts) They could've gotten unlucky and attracted the hornet's attention by accident. But then again, Thrusting Hornets are not common in this area... There's always a possibility of Monster PK... But these two doesn't look like players that might become a target...

He then brushes the thought aside, remembering that they still aren't yet safe, as there could still be more monsters in the area.

Akiri: Well, putting that aside, it's not safe out here in the dark. We should head to a safe point as soon as possible. There's one called Horunka Village just nearby

???: Horunka Village. That is where we were headed as well

Akiri: Right. Follow me

The two nodded before following closely beside Akiri. They walked quietly for a few moments before Koharu broke the silence.

Koharu: Oh! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Koharu. And this is Sora. Nice to meet you

She introduced herself as well as her brown-haired partner. Akiri decided that he should introduce himself as well.

Akiri: The name's Akiri. Nice to meet you as well

Sora: Akiri? Sounds familiar...

Akiri: Yeah... For some reason, I feel like I've met you two before. But when...?

He subconsciously puts a finger on his chin, trying to remember the two.

Koharu: Akiri...

She muttered his name, also trying to recall meeting each other. Not long after, her eyes then widened and she hits the palm of her hand with her fist in realization.

Koharu: We met on the last day of the beta!

Sora: That's it! You saved us from high-level monsters in a dungeon

Akiri's eyes also widened as he had finally remembered.

Akiri: Oh, right. You guys were there during the beta too huh? Funny we found each other the same way we met

He said with a chuckle before taking a close look at Koharu.

Akiri: Hmm. Your avatar hasn't changed a lot, Koharu. I guess that's why I was able to recognize you

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