Story Chapter I - Unwavering Blade

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If you were to ask me who I am;

I would say that I am a fighter.

I always have been my entire life.

If there is something that I want, I'll fight for it. If there is something that I didn't want, I'll fight against it.

Even if all odds are stacked against me. I will do everything in my power to succeed. Fight with absolutely everything I have.

Even if it does more harm than good, even if it seems like all hope is lost, I will continue to fight for what I believe in. Fight for those who I care about.




It is November 15th, 2020. I am currently inside the mall, standing in front of the cinema. I checked my wristwatch. It is just half-past midnight. Just where is she? Did she not get permission from her mother?

Her mother is a very strict person. She rarely gives Asuna permission to hang out and have fun with her friends. She would rather have her stay in her room and study all day long.

???: Akiri

I turned around, and there she is. A girl with long chestnut hair with the sweetest smile on her face.

 A girl with long chestnut hair with the sweetest smile on her face

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Asuna Yuuki.

My closest friend.

The girl I have a crush on...

Akiri: Hey, Asuna. I was worried you weren't coming

Asuna: Sorry about that. Took me a while to convince mom to let me go

Akiri: So she agreed?

Asuna: Yeah. But I would need to spend some extra time studying tomorrow to make up for it

As we went to enter the cinema, we walked past through the poster of the movie Asuna chose for us to watch.

Akiri: You uhh... Sure you want to watch this one?

I asked her. Picking a horror movie is one thing, but to experience it in a next-generation movie theatre is another thing.

The cinema we are currently at, was relatively old, but they had a big renovation a few months ago. Part of the renovation, is the new next-gen theatres.

These newly built theatres have sophisticated technology implemented in them, such as 3D screens, directional surround sound systems, scent producers, vibrating seats, and various other techs.

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