Chapter 3: Human nature

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Akiri, along with Sora and Koharu, are currently in the middle of a clearing in «Horunka Woods», killing a group of «Little Nepents» that were scattered around in the area.

Seeing one that was a little more separated from the group, Akiri ran over towards it, closing the distance before using the sword skill «Vertical Arc», lowering its HP down significantly, almost to 20%, due to the difference in levels.

Akiri: Switch!

He shouts before getting out of the way.

Sora: Okay!

Sora comes in and performs the «Pre-Motion» for the sword skill, «Horizontal» and his sword glows a soft blue colour. Letting the system assist take over, his body moves and slashes the monster horizontally, killing it as it bursts into polygons.

Akiri: Good work

Sora: Thanks

Meanwhile, Koharu, who were covering their backs, saw a Nepent trying to attack from behind. She ran up to it and uses the single hit sword skill «Curve», a similar skill to «Horizontal» which is a horizontal slash, the difference being that «Curve» is performed significantly quicker, but doesn't have as much range.

Koharu: Switch!

Akiri quickly went over to her. Seeing that Koharu had dealt enough damage, he finished it off with «Rage Spike».

Akiri: Nice one, Koharu. Onto the next one

After a while, they had eventually settled in on a comfortable routine. Akiri goes in to lower their HP just enough so that Sora could finish them off only with a single hit sword skill, while Koharu covered their backs from any potential monsters that may come from behind.

One after another, they reduced their prey into polygon fragments.


Over an hour had passed since they had started their hunt. Although, close to over a hundred and fifty «Little Nepents» have been taken down by them already, not a single «Little Nepent's Ovule» have been dropped by any of the monsters killed.

With an exhausted sigh, Sora and Koharu sat down against a tree, catching their breaths.

Koharu: So... Tired...

Sora: Why... Is it... So hard to find...?

They said, in between short and ragged breaths and Akiri just let out a chuckle as he walks over to them.

Akiri: Tired, huh?

Sora: Yeah...

Koharu: I don't even understand how virtual bodies could get tired...

Akiri: Well, it isn't physical exhaustion you're feeling. What you're feeling is mental fatigue. Even though your real body isn't moving, your mind is still awake, processing every bit of information in this world

Sora: And we can even feel hunger here, even though our real body is probably being well-fed

Akiri: Yeah. The hunger we feel is just that; a feeling. The NerveGear only fools our brain into thinking that we are hungry

Sora: We won't take damage if we don't eat or drink for too long, right?

Akiri: Nah, your HP won't go down. All you feel is just discomfort. You could try to ignore the feeling, but sometimes it could be a distraction and would break your focus in the middle of a fight. So I suggest keeping some food items with you if you're planning to be out for long

Sora: I guess Kayaba Akihiko really wanted to make this world feel as realistic as possible, huh?

Akiri: Yeah

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