To be continued...

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Hello there. I hope you all enjoyed this short preview/trailer of my newest book, Sword Art Online Progressive: Rise of the Crimson Swordsman.

Please keep in mind that this is just an early look into an ongoing project, so everything here might be slightly changed or maybe even rewritten altogether in the official release.

What do you think about the writing style, story pacing, etc? Is there anything I can improve on? Anything I did wrong? Any opinions, criticisms and suggestions are welcomed, so feel free to let me know your thoughts on it down in the comments, as it would help me to improve this book and also my other works as well. Just remember to always be respectful.

As I've stated in my main SAO book, this book will officially be starting in about two months as of the time I'm writing this, so don't expect any updates until then. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and as I said before, please be respectful.

Remember to vote, as it would help me out a lot. And I would also appreciate it if you would follow my account to both to support my works, and keep up to date with the status of my books.

That is all for now, and as always, thanks for reading.

SAO Progressive: Rise of the Crimson Swordsman (SAO:P X OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now