1. Responsibility

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Artwork Credits: Angrymikko on Twitter

It should be impossible to kill the one who brought two kingdoms together. Impossible and illegal.
Unfortunately the universe had a different plan for her, one she cannot escape.

The girl looks up at her father in slight disbelief as she hears his demand.
"But father... I don't even know him", She says. "My dearest daughter. I have no other choice. The people want peace and this is the only way."

She leans back into her chair and lets out a deep sigh.
The feeling of freedom she enjoyed so much starts to slowly leave her body.

"What happens if I refuse?"
"Another war." The girl looks up at her father with widened eyes. "And just like the last one... we don't have the resources. Baal, this is the only way."
The girl named Baal twirls a piece of her hair around her fingers in silence.

"If that is what we have to do then so be it", She says with a collected voice.

"My darling, you will bring peace to all of us", Her father says with a wide smile. "It's late. You should rest."
Baal nods and gets up from her chair to leave the dining hall.

Before she touches the door handle her father wishes her a good nights sleep.

Baal leaves the dining hall and walks down the hall past multiple guards and maids. They simply greet her by bowing as she walks past them.
As Baal finally reaches her room the guard in front opens the door for her.

"I'd like to be alone, please." The guard nods and leaves the area.

Baal enters her room and looks around.
She feels empty.
Being married off to a prince was not what she expected to happen when her father called for her.

With emptiness in her stomach Baal sits down onto the side of her bed. She just stares at the wall in front of her.
Not only does she feel empty but she's also speechless. She knows that her kingdom's financial situation is not the best but she never would have thought that a marriage would help fix it.
Baal rubs her aching temples. "How am I supposed to tell him", She mumbles to herself.

Suddenly she hears a knock on the door and snaps out of her thoughts.

"Who is it?" A deep voice answers Baal's call. "It's me."
Baal gets up from the bed and opens the big door.

"Drogo!" She immediately grabs his shoulder and pulls him inside. "No one can see us, remember", She says as she shuts the door.
"It's great to see you too, Baal."

The big man smiles down onto Baal's small frame. He takes off his helmet revealing brown locks and a handsome face. What makes him even more special is a scar going across his face.
"I heard your father calling for you. What happened", He asks.
Baal looks up in shock but immediately avoids eye contact as she remembers.

"Baal, you know you can tell me anything." Drogo carefully caresses Baal's cheek, as if she was made of glass.

"He called me because..." Baal takes a deep breath as she collects her nerves.
"What's wrong, my love", Drogo asks once again. Baal lets out a deep sigh as she sits down onto her bed.
"He wants me to marry Asgard's prince."

Baal looks up at Drogo's face.

Sadness and anger take turns in his eyes but his expression just shows that he is in utter shock.
"Marriage", He asks and Baal only nods as she avoids his eyes.

She can hear a huff escaping Drogo's lips. He is clearly irritated.

"But what about us", He stammers. "What about our love?!"
"Drogo, there is nothing I can do." Drogo shakes his head. "No, there is something you can do."

He sets his helmet down and kneels down in front of Baal. "There is one thing we can do." He intervenes his fingers with hers.
"Run away with me."
Baal looks into Drogo's eyes in shock. "What?"
"Let's take what we can carry and leave."

Baal breaks the connection between their hands and gets up from her bed in anger.
"Do you know what you are demanding from me", She yells.

Drogo stays quiet.

Baal almost never gets angry but when she does it's for a good reason.

"You want me to leave all of this behind? My people, my friends and my family?"
Drogo gets onto his feet. "Baal, if you want us to be together there is no other way! This is the time you put yourself first for once!"
"Then so it shall be."
"What", Drogo stutters. Baal turns her back to him as she crosses her arms in front of her chest. "I think you should leave", She says.

Silence fills the room, only the sounds of Drogo's armor can be heard as he walks over to the door.
Before he leaves he looks back to Baal.

"I've loved you with all my heart", He says as he opens the door.
"And I thought you were different."

As Baal hears those words a tear rolls down her cheek.

Sadness spills out of her broken heart as she feels the emptiness inside her once again.

It may feel wrong but what she did had to be done.

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